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Scientist at sterile bench

Cluster of Excellence ImmunoSensation²

Immunology as a key to better health

ImmunoSensation2 is a Cluster of Excellence at the University of Bonn funded by the German Research Foundation (DFG). We are dedicated to the study of innate immunity beyond the boundaries of classical immunology. We address the immune system as a sensory organ for health, which we term the immune sensory system. We are immunologists, neurobiologists, systems biologists, biochemists, biophysicists and mathematicians from the Faculty of Medicine and the Faculty of Mathematics and Natural Sciences at the University of Bonn and the German Centre for Neurodegenerative Diseases (DZNE) of the Helmholtz Association.

Founded in 2012, ImmunoSensation2 is currently in its twelfth year of funding. We continue to pursue our mission of innovative science in immunology. Further, we link immunology to other systems, such as the metabolic system and the nervous system. Ultimately, we want to better understand the intimate connection between the immune sensory system and human health and disease.

Members & Publications




Kathrin Leppek Publication PM

News categories: Publication

Starting points for the control of protein synthesis

Bonn researchers develop a versatile toolbox for the characterization of IRESes in cells.
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Pandyra Publication Graphical Abstract

News categories: Publication

Genetic mutation affects survival after viral infection

Scientists discovered that haploinsufficiency in the Pax5 gene affects antiviral responses. The study was led by Prof. Dr. Aleksandra Pandyra from the Institute of Clinical Chemistry and Clinical Pharmacology at the University Hospital Bonn in collaboration with Prof. Dr. Arndt Borkhardt, Clinic Director at the Pediatric Oncology at the University Hospital Düsseldorf. The findings were published in the latest edition of EMBO Molecular Medicine.
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Reckzeh News

News categories: Honors & Funding

Creating Personalized Cancer Treatments

Bonn researchers aim to improve colon cancer treatment using 3D organoids and digital twins. Funded by the Federal Ministry of Education and Research (BMBF), a collaborative project involving the University of Bonn, the company ESQlabs and the University Hospital Bonn is seeking to refine the therapy recommendations given to colon cancer patients. To this end, “ISPOT-K” is merging organoids taken from patients with the power of digital twin technology.
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Upcoming events


Immunosensation 360°

Follow us on a virtual tour into the institutes and laboratories of ImmunoSensation2!

The 360° experience allows you to embark on an exciting journey, exploring the diversity of immunological research performed at ImmunoSensation2. Let our scientists guide you through the sites of scientific excellence and introduce you to the amazing world of the immune system.

Multimedia report "Beyond the Boundaries"

In our multimedia report "Beyond the boundaries" we introduce some of our outstanding group leaders. We take a closer look on their scientific work and their career paths within ImmunoSensation2, highlighting their innovative research approaches as well as the excellent research environment at the University of Bonn.


The report introduces