Organisational structure
The Cluster of Excellence ImmunoSensation2 is managed by an Executive Board, consisting of the Spokespersons, seven other members and the Managing Director. Together, the Executive Board is responsible for the scientific orientation and further development of ImmunoSensation2. Conceptually, the Executive Board is supported by the Steering Committee. Administrative support is provided by the Cluster Coordination Office.

Prof. Gunther Hartmann, MD
Institute of Clinical Chemistry &
Clinical Pharmacology
Medical Faculty, University of Bonn
University Hospital of Bonn
Sigmund-Freud-Strasse 25
D-53127 Bonn

Prof. Waldemar Kolanus, PhD
LIMES Life & Medical Sciences Institute
Molecular Immunology and Cell Biology
University of Bonn
Carl-Troll-Strasse 31
D-53115 Bonn
Steering Committee
Cluster Coordination Office
Code of Conduct
ImmunoSensation2 provides this Code of Conduct in the form of a voluntary agreement. These are our guidelines for an inclusive environment and fair treatment for all our members to ensure excellent research.