Maria Laach, Germany
We are pleased to announce the 4th International School on Advanced Immunology, bringing together young immunologists from across the globe. The school is organized in collaboration between the Immunology Frontier Research Center (IFReC) at Osaka University and ImmunoSensation.
The 4th ImmunoSensation2 and IFReC International School on Advanced Immunology will take place on September 14th - 19th, in Maria Laach, Germany.
Applications are open!
- Eligible for application are Ph.D. students in their final years and postdocs within three years since obtaining their Ph.D.
- 50 participants will be selected on a competitive basis
- Participants are required to participate in the entire program
- Participants are required to give poster- and short oral presentations
- Accomodation with full board provided to the participant
- Travel subsidies are available
- Registration fee (350 €) is required of the selected participants