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Event categories: Featured Symposium On-site

Cluster Science Days


BMZ I & II (Building 13 & 12), Venusberg-Campus

Register for the Cluster Science Days 2024! Join for interesting talks, interactive poster sessions and the opportunity to network.

This year, the annual ImmunoSensation2 internal meeting will take place on November 26th and 27th. Once again, we can expect a full program of scientific talks and poster sessions presenting the latest ImmunoSensation2 research results. Social events and networking sessions will round out the two days event. 

Registration is open for ImmunoSensation2 members now, until October 29th for on-site participation and November 19th for online participation, respectively. Please also consider the deadline for abstract submission, which is September 26th.

We are looking forward to meeting you at the Cluster Science Days 2024!



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