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News art@immunosensation 05.2022
© Johann Saba / UKB

News categories: Outreach

art@immunosensation: A Membrane between Science and Society

The Cluster of Excellence ImmunoSensation2 of the University of Bonn connects more than 500 researchers and promotes the interdisciplinary exchange of the participating scientists. The art project art@immunosensation adds a new level of reflection to this exchange. Together with scientists from the Cluster of Excellence, artists from the Alanus University of Arts and Social Sciences Alfter, under the direction of Prof. Willem-Jan Beeren (architecture) and Prof. Paul Petry (sculpture), are creating a so-called WALL-laboratory (WANDlabor) in the foyer of the Biomedical Center II (BMZII).

A wall surface of 3 x 30 meters will be worked on together over a project period of one year. The artists are inspired by the science conducted in the building, which they constantly reinterpret. "It is a joint creative process that arises, from the interaction among the scientists and artists. The result of the productive exchange is a constantly changing work of art that reflects the content of the research carried out in the laboratory into the foyer of the building” says Willem-Jan Beeren, who developed the concept for the project with his colleague Paul Petry. The wall that separates the public area of the building from the laboratory wing thus becomes a membrane between science and society, the medium being art. In the future, too, the artwork will direct the gaze of passers-by into the building and initiate an interaction between science and the public.

The WANDlabor in the foyer of the BMZII is open to the public from 8:00 a.m. to 4:00 p.m. Mondays to Fridays.

Art as a place of exchange

In order to provide a new space for exchange in the long term, another work of art is being created in the outdoor area of the BMZII in collaboration with Frowin Schweer (graduate in sculpture) and Sebastian Keller (graduate in architecture). A 12-meter-long table-bench combination will serve as a place for communication in the future. Up to 40 people can take a seat there. "The focus is just as much on scientific discussions among researchers as it is on exchange with the interested public," says Prof. Gunther Hartmann, one of the speakers of the cluster of excellence ImmunoSensation2. The work of art sees itself as a social sculpture and at the same time forms an aesthetic counterpoint to the park-like open space between the new building and Siegmund-Freud-Strasse.

Alanus University of Arts and Social Sciences

Shaping society for the future - under this guiding principle, the Alanus University of Arts and Social Sciences promotes the professional and personal education of the whole person. In the cooperation of art and science, the university sets impulses and opens spaces for sustainable social transformation. The state-recognized art academy has two locations in Alfter on the city limits of Bonn and a study center in Mannheim. It offers degree programs in architecture, fine arts, drama, eurythmy, art therapy, education, business administration and philosophy, and its Department of Education has the right to award doctorates.


Dr. David Fußhöller

Science Communication and Public Relations

ImmunoSensation2: Bonn Cluster of Excellence

University Hospital Bonn

Phone +49 (0)228 287 51283

E-Mail: david.fusshoeller(at)

Dr. Julia Wedel


Alanus Hochschule für Kunst und Gesellschaft

Phone +49 (0)2222 9321 – 1942


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