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WANDlabor art@immunoSensation

News categories: Outreach

Completion of the WANDlabor Art Project art@immunosensation

A unique collaboration between the University of Bonn, University Hospital Bonn, and Alanus University Alfter.

The innovative WANDlabor project, a collaboration between the ImmunoSensation2 Cluster of Excellence at the University of Bonn at the University Hospital Bonn (UKB) and Alanus University of Arts and Social Sciences Alfter, has been successfully completed. This interdisciplinary project combined groundbreaking immunological research with artistic and social science perspectives to create a unique platform for science communication and public engagement.

The aim of the WANDlabor project, part of the art@immunosensation collaboration, was to explore new ways of conveying scientific knowledge to the public. Over the two-year duration of the project, researchers, artists, and students from the three institutions worked together to create an interactive art installation that translated complex immunological concepts into accessible and engaging experiences. Another notable installation that emerged from the collaboration is the TISCHgesellschaft, a table-bench sculpture. The sculpture invites people to linger and engage in conversation, providing a quiet and restful retreat from the often hectic daily life of researchers. The installations were displayed at various public locations to promote a deeper understanding of immunology among diverse audiences.

Prof. Paul Petry, Dean of the Faculty of Fine Arts at Alanus University, emphasized the importance of such interdisciplinary collaborations: "The WANDlabor project has shown how art and science can come together to create tools for education and engagement." Prof. Willem-Jan Beeren from the Faculty of Architecture added: "By combining our expertise, we were able to reach and inspire people who normally do not engage with scientific and immunological research."

The closing event, which involved the rectors of the participating universities, Prof. Dr. Dr. Michael Hoch (University of Bonn) and Prof. Dr. Hans-Joachim Pieper (Alanus University), celebrated the project's achievements. Participants had the opportunity to experience the art installations firsthand and hear the stories of the involved researchers and artists.

Prof. Dr. Gunther Hartmann, Director of the Institute of Clinical Chemistry and Clinical Pharmacology at UKB and spokesperson for the ImmunoSensation2 Cluster of Excellence, further commented on the success of the project: "This project has not only deepened the understanding of immunology but also enriched our appreciation for how art can convey complex ideas. It has been a rewarding journey for all involved, and we are proud of what we have achieved together."

The ImmunoSensation2 Cluster of Excellence, based at the University of Bonn, is renowned for its groundbreaking research in immunology. Through the partnership with Alanus University, known for its focus on integrating art and social sciences, the project bridged the gap between scientific research and public engagement, showcasing the potential of interdisciplinary collaboration. With the completion of the WANDlabor project, both institutions look forward to further opportunities for collaboration to continue innovating at the intersection of science, art, and society.

The WANDlabor is located in the foyer, and the TISCHgesellschaft is on the lawn in front of the Biomedical Center II (BMZII) at the University Hospital Bonn (UKB).

More information on this project can be found here.


Senta Koske

Press Officer

Alanus University for Arts and Social Sciences

Tel.: +49 (0)2222 9321 – 1944



Dr. Katharina Maus

Science Communication and Public Relations

ImmunoSensation2 Cluster of Excellence, University of Bonn

University Hospital Bonn

Tel.: +49 (0)228 287 - 51283


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