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News categories: Honors & Funding

Otto-Westphal Thesis Prize for Jonas Schulte-Schrepping

The German Society for Immunology e.V. (DGfI) anually honours one of its members by awarding the Otto-Westphal Thesis Prize. This year, Jonas Schulte-Schrepping from the research group of Prof. Joachim Schultze at the DZNE was selected for his PhD thesis on the systemic immune response to COVID-19. The prize is endowed with a prize money of 1,500 EUR.

Jonas recieved his PhD in March 2023, graded suma cum laude. In his cumulative thesis entiteled „Understanding the systemic immune response in COVID-19 - one cell at a time“, the junior scientist sheds light on the major developments in the field of single-cell omics for systems immunology. His achievements include the development of an optimized workflow for the application of single-cell transcriptomics and proteomics to potentially infectious material. As part of this research, he optimized single-cell omics technologies for practical clinical application and developed innovative analytical approaches for the analysis of complex omics data

Parts of the cumulative thesis are featured in episode #9 of the ImmunoSensation2 publicast Spot on Science

Please find further information on the DGFI website.

Spot on Science, episode #9: Jonas Schulte-Schrepping

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