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Our new intranet / wiki is online!

A new wiki/ intranet for the Cluster of Excellence ImmunoSensation is now available for our member:

Thereby we use Confluence form the University of Bonn, where some Uni institutions (like the HRZ or Human Resources Development) with their areas can already be found.

In our new wiki / intranet information about our funding opportunities; Software and Hardware within the Cluster or important documentes for e.g. travel expenses can be found.

Access to Confluence is available to all employees with an Uni-ID.The access to the area for the cluster is limited, that means you will not see the area in the overview at the beginning.Confluence can be reached via eduroam/bonnet network or by using the Uni-VPN client.

Only after you have registered in the following form and we have activated your account you will have access to our area.


In the attachment you will find an FAQ with all relevant links and details about the requirements for usage as well as further information (for example contents of the area).

If you have any questions or feedback regarding our Confluence area, please feel free to contact us.We are happy if the new wiki is used a lot and we can encourage a good exchange!

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