—Prof. Gabor Petzold, a neuroscientist at DZNE and University Hospital Bonn (UKB), is part of a new US and European network of excellence funded by the Leducq Foundation with a total of US$ 8 million. Of this, about US$ 400,000 go to Bonn. The consortium will investigate the role of so-called brain clearance in cerebral amyloid angiopathy (CAA). This condition is a major cause of hemorrhagic stroke, as well as an important factor in certain forms of dementia. As the population ages, CAA is on the rise.
—Neurobiologist and ImmunoSensation² member Frank Bradke, a senior researcher at the German Center for Neurodegenerative Diseases (DZNE) and a professor at the University of Bonn, will be awarded with the „Remedios Caro Almela Prize for Research in Developmental Neurobiology“, which is endowed with 25,000 Euros. He is being honored for his groundbreaking research on the growth and regeneration of neurons. The award ceremony will take place in Alicante, Spain in November.
—In July 2023 the University of Bonn's Science Festival took place for the first time. With the best weather and free admission, people interested in cience could get an overview of the current research topics of the University of Bonn. In addition to scientific topics, a varied stage program offered entertainment for the entire family. Several food-trucks rounded of a great day at Hofgarten Bonn.
Macrophages in the maintenance of the enteric nervous system
—Loss of nerve cells is a process that can take place not only in the brain, but also in the (less well-known) nervous system in the gut. A new study, lead by the KU Leuven under contribution of ImmunoSensation² member Prof. Andreas Schlitzer of the LIMES Institute at Bonn University, shows that specialised immune cells shape this nervous system, enabling the gut to make the transition to solid food early in life. At a later stage, these immune cells take on another role – they start protecting and maintaining the nerve cells. The findings have now been published in Nature.
Role of Phagocyte Types in Kidney Inflammation revisited
—Mononuclear phagocytes (MNP) defend the kidney against infections, but may also promote the progression of sterile inflammation. Contrary to the previous concepts, these immune cells are not only recruited to the site of inflammation, but also expand from kidney-resident MNP. This could now be shown by ImmunoSensation2 member Prof. Christian Kurts and his team at the Institute of Molecular Medicine and Experimental Immunology at the University Hospital Bonn. The findings have recently been published in the journal Kidney International.
—Insertion of RNA into the genome occurs manifold during each cell division. Ribonucleotide excision repair (RER) by RNaseH2 has been found crucial to prevent severe DNA damage. If this fails, the cGAS/Sting system detects DNA debris inside cells and alerts the immune system. Prof. Rayk Behrendt, together with colleagues from the Technical University Dresden and the Univerisy Hospital Heidelberg, now show that RNaseH2 acts as tumor suppressor in the hematopoietic system. The scientists also provide evidence, that the cGAS/STING system has no role in blood cell development or Leukemia.
—In June, we welcomed over 30 selected doctoral students from China at ImmunoSensation². The junior scientists visited Germany as part of the Lindau Nobel Laureate Meetings funded by the German Research Foundation (DFG). Part of their visit was an introduction to the most outstanding research locations in germany. We offered insights into several core facilities at the cluster of excellence and brought the aspiring joung researchers into contect with ImmunoSensation² researchers on site.
New research group at the Institute of Clinical Chemistry and Clinical Pharmacology
—Nicola Diny is interested in the influence of the tissue environment on immune cell function. Recently recruited from the Francis Crick Institute (London / UK), Diny is now heading a junior research group at the Institute of Clinical Chemistry and Clinical Pharmacology (ICCCP) at the University Hospital Bonn. Together with her team, she is focusing on eosinophil tissue adaptation in the context of health and disease.
—Ana Ivonne Vazquez-Armendariz is setting out to develop “mini-organs” in order to study metabolic and disease mechanisms. She hopes that they can give her a better understanding of lung disease. As Argelander Professor in the Life and Health Transdisciplinary Research Area (TRA) at the University of Bonn, Vazquez-Armendariz is working at the interface between various disciplines, bridging the gap between chemistry, biology and medicine in the process.