—The Rise up! programme is aimed at outstanding and unusually creative basic researchers from the fields of biology, chemistry and medicine who have accepted a W2 professorship at a German university for the first time. The award is endowed with up to 600,000 euros each.
Otto-Westphal Thesis Prize for Jonas Schulte-Schrepping
—The German Society for Immunology e.V. (DGfI) anually honours one of its members by awarding the Otto-Westphal Thesis Prize. This year, Jonas Schulte-Schrepping from the research group of Prof. Joachim Schultze at the DZNE was selected for his PhD thesis on the systemic immune response to COVID-19. The prize is endowed with a prize money of 1,500 EUR.
—The German Society for Orthopaedic Rheumatology (DGORh) awards the Arthur Vick Prize annually. The award serves to promote research in the field of orthopaedic rheumatology. The prize is endowed with 7,000 euros.
—Children from the Bonn area visit laboratories at ImmunoSensation on a regular basis at the annual event "Türen auf mit der Maus" ("open doors with the Mouse"). This time, the group of Prof. Dagmar Wachten welcomed a group of 15 students in the age of 6 to 11 years. At "Türen auf mit der Maus" , institutions, companies and also research laboratories offer visits on-site for children, to show what the daily work looks like and educate scientific phenomena.
—The formation of pores by a particular protein, gasdermin D, plays a key role in inflammatory reactions. During its activation, an inhibitory part is split off. More than 30 of the remaining protein fragments then combine to form large pores in the cell membrane, which allow the release of inflammatory messengers.
As methods for studying these processes in living cells have so far been inadequate, the sequence of oligomerization, pore formation and membrane incorporation has remained unclear until now.
—Acute lymphoblastic leukemia (ALL) is the most common cancer in children and poses a significant threat to health. The joint research project "EDI-4-ALL" (Early detection and interception for acute lymphoblastic leukemia) aims at the development of new analysis tools for the early detection of a genetic predisposition to ALL in newborns. The project is a joint endeavour by leading scientists from the Universities of Düsseldorf, Gießen and Bonn, the Charité Berlin and Zytovision, under participation of Prof. Alksandra Pandyra. The project is funded with a total of 2.6 million Euros by the BMBF.
—Researchers at the University of Bonn and the University of Cambridge have identified an important control circuit involved in the eating process. The study has revealed that fly larvae have special sensors, or receptors, in their esophagus that are triggered as soon as the animal swallows something. If the larva has swallowed food, they tell the brain to release serotonin. This messenger substance ensures that the larva continues to eat. The researchers assume that humans also have a very similar control circuit. The results were recently published in the journal “Current Biology.”
—The Cumming Global Centre for Pandemic Therapeutics (Cumming Global Centre) and the University of Bonn have today announced Bonn-Cumming Host-Directed Pandemic Therapeutics Research Program (“the partnership”) to fund groundbreaking research into early immunity to develop novel targets for therapeutics for pathogens of pandemic potential. The funding volume amounts to 6 million euros, with a perspective of up to 40 million euros. A large part comes from the philanthropic billionaire Geoff Cumming.
Effects of “Forever Chemicals” on the Immune System
—Dr. Lorenzo Bonaguro from the German Center of Neurodegenerative Dieseases (DZNE) has been awarded a Starting Grant from the European Research Council (ERC) totaling about 1.5 million euros to investigate the influence of the ubiquitous PFAS chemicals on the immune system. His research will utilize so-called organoids and cutting-edge analysis methods.