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News Day of Immunology 04.2022
© Simon Görgen / UKB

News categories: Outreach

Day of Immunology - ImmunoSensation at Bonn city center

On the occasion of the Day of Immunology, the scientists of the Cluster of Excellence ImmunoSensation2 once again presented their research in the city center of Bonn. Anyone interested in immunology could gain a direct insight into current research projects and talk to scientists. In addition, visitors could extract DNA from bananas under supervision or take a look into one of the oversized organ models.

This year's program was supplemented by short scientific lectures in the Bonn City Library.

All talks given by ImmunoSensation2 scientists at the Day of Immunology 2022 are available online:

Prof. Dr. Tobias Bald

Institute für Experimentelle Onkologie

"Wolf im Schaftspelz - Wie kann unser Immunsystem Krebs bekämpfen?"


Dr. Rittika Chunder and Alicia Weier

Anatomischen Institut der Universität Bonn

"Milch - Macht sie kräftig oder krank?"


Dr. Med. Philip Düsing

Herzzentrum des Universitätsklinikums Bonn

"Digitale Therapie von Herzerkrankungen: Der Beginn einer neuen Ära?"


PD Dr. Gregor Hagelüken

Institut für Strukturbiologie der Universität Bonn

"Wie man die Bausteine des Immunsystems sichtbar macht - Atom für Atom"


Dr. Anette Christ

Institut für Angeborene Immunität der Universität Bonn

"Was macht Fast Food mit unserem Immunsystem?"

ImmunoSensation Speaker Prof. Waldemar Kolanus at the Day of Immunology 2022

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