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A matched-pair analysis on survival and response rates between German and non-German cancer patients treated at a Comprehensive Cancer Center.

BMC cancer

Authors: Marie K Budde, Walther Kuhn, Mignon-Denise Keyver-Paik, Friedrich Bootz, Jörg C Kalff, Stefan C Müller, Thomas Bieber, Peter Brossart, Hartmut Vatter, Ulrich Herrlinger, Dieter C Wirtz, Hans H Schild, Glen Kristiansen, Thorsten Pietsch, Stefan Aretz, Franziska Geiser, Lukas Radbruch, Rudolf H Reich, Christian P Strassburg, Dirk Skowasch, Markus Essler, Nicole Ernstmann, Jennifer Landsberg, Benjamin Funke, Ingo G H Schmidt-Wolf

BACKGROUND: Research shows disparities in cancer outcomes by ethnicity or socio-economic status. Therefore, it is the aim of our study to perform a matched-pair analysis which compares the outcome of German and non-German (in the following described as 'foreign') cancer patients being treated at the Center for Integrated Oncology (CIO) Köln Bonn at the University Hospital of Bonn between January 2010 and June 2016.

METHODS: During this time, 6314 well-documented patients received a diagnosis of cancer. Out of these patients, 219 patients with foreign nationality could be matched to German patients based on diagnostic and demographic criteria and were included in the study. All of these 438 patients were well characterized concerning survival data (Overall survival, Progression-free survival and Time to progression) and response to treatment.

RESULTS: No significant differences regarding the patients' survival and response rates were seen when all German and foreign patients were compared. A subgroup analysis of German and foreign patients with head and neck cancer revealed a significantly longer progression-free survival for the German patients. Differences in response to treatment could not be found in this subgroup analysis.

CONCLUSIONS: In summary, no major differences in survival and response rates of German and foreign cancer patients were revealed in this study. Nevertheless, the differences in progression-free survival, which could be found in the subgroup analysis of patients with head and neck cancer, should lead to further research, especially evaluating the role of infectious diseases like human papillomavirus (HPV) and Epstein-Barr virus (EBV) on carcinogenesis and disease progression.

PMID: 31666035

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