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Absolute proteomic quantification reveals design principles of sperm flagellar chemosensation.

The EMBO journal

Authors: Christian Trötschel, Hussein Hamzeh, Luis Alvarez, René Pascal, Fedir Lavryk, Wolfgang Bönigk, Heinz G Körschen, Astrid Müller, Ansgar Poetsch, Andreas Rennhack, Long Gui, Daniela Nicastro, Timo Strünker, Reinhard Seifert, U Benjamin Kaupp

Cilia serve as cellular antennae that translate sensory information into physiological responses. In the sperm flagellum, a single chemoattractant molecule can trigger a Ca rise that controls motility. The mechanisms underlying such ultra-sensitivity are ill-defined. Here, we determine by mass spectrometry the copy number of nineteen chemosensory signaling proteins in sperm flagella from the sea urchin Arbacia punctulata. Proteins are up to 1,000-fold more abundant than the free cellular messengers cAMP, cGMP, H , and Ca . Opto-chemical techniques show that high protein concentrations kinetically compartmentalize the flagellum: Within milliseconds, cGMP is relayed from the receptor guanylate cyclase to a cGMP-gated channel that serves as a perfect chemo-electrical transducer. cGMP is rapidly hydrolyzed, possibly via "substrate channeling" from the channel to the phosphodiesterase PDE5. The channel/PDE5 tandem encodes cGMP turnover rates rather than concentrations. The rate-detection mechanism allows continuous stimulus sampling over a wide dynamic range. The textbook notion of signal amplification-few enzyme molecules process many messenger molecules-does not hold for sperm flagella. Instead, high protein concentrations ascertain messenger detection. Similar mechanisms may occur in other small compartments like primary cilia or dendritic spines.

© 2019 The Authors. Published under the terms of the CC BY NC ND 4.0 license.

PMID: 31880004

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