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Comparative analysis of CI- and CIV-containing respiratory supercomplexes at single-cell resolution.

Cell reports methods

Authors: Fabio Bertan, Lena Wischhof, Enzo Scifo, Mihaela Guranda, Joshua Jackson, Anaïs Marsal-Cots, Antonia Piazzesi, Miriam Stork, Michael Peitz, Jochen Herbert Martin Prehn, Dan Ehninger, Pierluigi Nicotera, Daniele Bano

Mitochondria sustain the energy demand of the cell. The composition and functional state of the mitochondrial oxidative phosphorylation system are informative indicators of organelle bioenergetic capacity. Here, we describe a highly sensitive and reproducible method for a single-cell quantification of mitochondrial CI- and CIV-containing respiratory supercomplexes (CI∗CIV-SCs) as an alternative means of assessing mitochondrial respiratory chain integrity. We apply a proximity ligation assay (PLA) and stain CI∗CIV-SCs in fixed human and mouse brains, tumorigenic cells, induced pluripotent stem cells (iPSCs) and iPSC-derived neural precursor cells (NPCs), and neurons. Spatial visualization of CI∗CIV-SCs enables the detection of mitochondrial lesions in various experimental models, including complex tissues undergoing degenerative processes. We report that comparative assessments of CI∗CIV-SCs facilitate the quantitative profiling of even subtle mitochondrial variations by overcoming the confounding effects that mixed cell populations have on other measurements. Together, our PLA-based analysis of CI∗CIV-SCs is a sensitive and complementary technique for detecting cell-type-specific mitochondrial perturbations in fixed materials.

© 2021 The Authors.

PMID: 35474694

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