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Data of common and species-specific transcriptional host responses to pathogenic fungi.

Data in brief

Authors: Mariolina Bruno, Robter Horst, Marina Pekmezovic, Vinod Kumar, Yang Li, Mihai G Netea, Jean-Paul Latgé, Mark S Gresnigt, Frank L van de Veerdonk

Using a comparative RNA-Sequencing based transcriptional profiling approach, responses of primary human peripheral blood mononuclear cells (PBMCs) to common human pathogenic fungi have been characterized (Bruno et al. Computational and Structural Biology Journal). Primary human PBMCs were stimulated in vitro with the fungi , and after which RNA was isolated and sequenced. From raw sequencing reads differential expressed genes in response to the different fungi where calculated by comparison with unstimulated cells. By overlapping differentially expressed genes in response to the pathogenic fungi , and a dataset was generated that encompasses a common response to these three distinct fungi as well as species-specific responses. Here we present datasets on these common and species-specific responses that complement the original study (Bruno et al. Computational and Structural Biology Journal). These data serve to facilitate further fundamental research on the immune response to opportunistic pathogenic fungi such as , and .

© 2021 The Authors. Published by Elsevier Inc.

PMID: 33850980

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