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Diagnostic Potential of Exosomal microRNAs in Colorectal Cancer.

Diagnostics (Basel, Switzerland)

Authors: Jonas Dohmen, Alexander Semaan, Makbule Kobilay, Martin Zaleski, Vittorio Branchi, Anja Schlierf, Karina Hettwer, Steffen Uhlig, Gunther Hartmann, Jörg C Kalff, Hanno Matthaei, Philipp Lingohr, Stefan Holdenrieder

Background: Despite the significance of colonoscopy for early diagnosis of colorectal adenocarcinoma (CRC), population-wide screening remains challenging, mainly because of low acceptance rates. Herein, exosomal (exo-miR) and free circulating microRNA (c-miR) may be used as liquid biopsies in CRC to identify individuals at risk. Direct comparison of both compartments has shown inconclusive results, which is why we directly compared a panel of 10 microRNAs in this entity. Methods: Exo-miR and c-miR levels were measured using real-time quantitative PCR after isolation from serum specimens in a cohort of 69 patients. Furthermore, results were compared to established tumor markers CEA and CA 19-9. Results: Direct comparison of exo- and c-miR biopsy results showed significantly higher microRNA levels in the exosomal compartment (p < 0.001). Exo-Let7, exo-miR-16 and exo-miR-23 significantly differed between CRC and healthy controls (all p < 0.05), while no c-miR showed this potential. Sensitivity and specificity can be further enhanced using combinations of multiple exosomal miRNAs. Conclusions: Exosomal microRNA should be considered as a promising biomarker in CRC for future studies. Nonetheless, results may show interference with common comorbidities, which must be taken into account in future studies.

PMID: 35741223

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