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Electrical vagus nerve stimulation as a prophylaxis for SIRS and postoperative ileus.

Autonomic neuroscience : basic & clinical

Authors: Cornelius J van Beekum, Maria A Willis, Martin W von Websky, Nils P Sommer, Jörg C Kalff, Sven Wehner, Tim O Vilz

Abdominal surgery results in an activation of immune cells of the bowel wall and a consecutive cytokine and nitric oxide (NO) release leading to an inflammation of the muscularis externa and a bowel paralysis, the so-called postoperative ileus (POI). In addition to the local inflammation, major surgical trauma can also lead to a variable pronounced systemic inflammation up to its maximum variant, the systemic inflammatory response syndrome (SIRS), with hypotension, capillary leak and a breakdown of the intestinal barrier function followed by multi-organ dysfunction (MODS). Until now, neither for SIRS nor for POI, a prophylaxis or an evidence-based treatment exists. Since the pioneering work from Kevin Tracey and his group in the late 90s characterizing the role of the vagus nerve in inflammation and describing the cholinergic anti-inflammatory pathway (CAIP) for the first time, substantial efforts have been made in the research field of neuro-immune interactions. Today, the anti-inflammatory potential of vagus nerve stimulation is moving more and more into focus resulting in new therapeutic approaches. This review focuses on the role of the CAIP in the development of SIRS and POI. Furthermore, new therapeutic options like transcutaneous vagus nerve stimulation are highlighted.

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PMID: 34343825

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