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Erratum to 'Linking EORTC QLQ-C-30 and PedsQL/PEDQOL physical functioning scores in patients with osteosarcoma' [Eur J Cancer 170 (2022) 209-235].

European journal of cancer (Oxford, England : 1990)

Authors: Axel Budde, Katja Baust, Leonie Weinhold, Mark Bernstein, Stefan Bielack, Catharina Dhooge, Lars Hjorth, Katherine A Janeway, Meriel Jenney, Mark D Krailo, Neyssa Marina, Rajaram Nagarajan, Sigbjørn Smeland, Matthew R Sydes, Patricia De Vos, Jeremy Whelan, Andreas Wiener, Gabriele Calaminus, Matthias Schmid

PMID: 36347760

Participating cluster members