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[Evaluation of the Effectiveness of a Standard Operating Procedure (SOP) for the Perioperative Management of Colorectal Surgery].

Zentralblatt fur Chirurgie

Authors: Maria A Willis, Felix M Engel, Charlotte Wiedemann, Cornelius van Beekum, Mark Coburn, Marcus Thudium, Jörg C Kalff, Tim O Vilz

INTRODUCTION: In recent years, perioperative care of patients after colorectal surgery has been increasingly standardised according to the fast-track concept and is accepted as a structured method of care to reduce perioperative complications. Indeed, initial studies have indicated that there is a long-term favourable effect on the oncological outcome, if the adherence to the individual measures is at least 70%. Even though there is unambiguous evidence for the efficacy of the modern perioperative treatment concept, it is often difficult to comply with the protocol during normal clinical work, particularly in Germany. The objective of this study was to record the rate of compliance before and after the introduction of the SOP and to evaluate its efficacy.

METHODS: We performed a retrospective analysis of the patient data after all elective colorectal surgery in the Bonn University Hospital from 2017 to 2020. 153 patients were operated on before the implementation of the SOP in January 2019 (group I); the remaining 153 patients were operated on after the implementation of the SOP and received appropriate care (group II). Compliance to the protocol was analysed for both the individual key interventions and the overall concept.

RESULTS: There was significant improvement in the compliance for both the individual measures (prehabilitation group I: 5.9%, group II: 42.5%, p < 0.001; preparation of the intestine I: 16.5%, II: 73.9%, p < 0.001; intraoperative volume management I: 14,00 ml/kg BW/h, II: 9.12 ml/kg BW/h, p < 0.001, BW: body weight; minimally invasive surgical technique I: 53.6%, II: 73.9%, p < 0.001; etc.) and for the overall perioperative treatment concept (I: 39%, II: 54%, p = 0.02). However, we fell far short of compliance of at least 70%. Nevertheless, patient autonomy was achieved earlier after introduction of the SOP (I: day 15, II: day 9, p < 0.001) and the postoperative hospital stay was shortened (I: 14 [6 - 99] days, II 11 [4 - 64] days; p = 0.007).

CONCLUSION: Although the implementation of the SOP led to significant improvements, further optimisation is required to attain the recommended protocol compliance of 70%. Measures within the hospital could include foundation of an interdisciplinary fast-track team and a specialised nurse as the connecting link between the patients, nursing and physicians. On the other hand, implementation throughout Germany can only be achieved by more influential actions. One possible support would be the S3 guideline on perioperative management of gastrointestinal tumours, which is under development. This could, for example, be used to support argumentation with funding providers.

Thieme. All rights reserved.

PMID: 33851406

Participating cluster members