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Glutamine Metabolism Supports the Functional Activity of Immune Cells against Aspergillus fumigatus.

Microbiology spectrum

Authors: Daniela Antunes, Samuel M Gonçalves, Vasiliki Matzaraki, Cláudia S Rodrigues, Relber A Gonçales, Joana Rocha, Jorge Sáiz, António Marques, Egídio Torrado, Ricardo Silvestre, Fernando Rodrigues, Frank L van de Veerdonk, Coral Barbas, Mihai G Netea, Vinod Kumar, Cristina Cunha, Agostinho Carvalho

The reprogramming of cellular metabolism of immune cells is an essential process in the regulation of antifungal immune responses. In particular, glucose metabolism has been shown to be required for protective immunity against infection with Aspergillus fumigatus. However, given the intricate cross talk between multiple metabolic networks and signals, it is likely that cellular metabolic pathways other than glycolysis are also relevant during fungal infection. In this study, we demonstrate that glutamine metabolism is required for the activation of macrophage effector functions against A. fumigatus. Glutamine metabolism was found to be upregulated early after fungal infection and glutamine depletion or the pharmacological inhibition of enzymes involved in its metabolism impaired phagocytosis and the production of both proinflammatory and T-cell-derived cytokines. In an model, inhibition of glutaminase increased susceptibility to experimental aspergillosis, as revealed by the increased fungal burden and inflammatory pathology, and the defective cytokine production in the lungs. Moreover, genetic variants in glutamine metabolism genes were found to regulate cytokine production in response to A. fumigatus stimulation. Taken together, our results demonstrate that glutamine metabolism represents an important component of the immunometabolic response of macrophages against A. fumigatus both and . The fungal pathogen Aspergillus fumigatus can cause severe and life-threatening forms of infection in immunocompromised patients. The reprogramming of cellular metabolism is essential for innate immune cells to mount effective antifungal responses. In this study, we report the pivotal contribution of glutaminolysis to the host defense against A. fumigatus. Glutamine metabolism was essential both as well as in models of infection, and genetic variants in human glutamine metabolism genes regulated cytokine production in response to fungal stimulation. This work highlights the relevance of glutaminolysis to the pathogenesis of aspergillosis and supports a role for interindividual genetic variation influencing glutamine metabolism in susceptibility to infection.

PMID: 36475892

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