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Glycophorin A-based exclusion of red blood cells for flow cytometric analysis of platelet glycoprotein expression in citrated whole blood.

Clinical chemistry and laboratory medicine

Authors: Christina Berens, Johannes Oldenburg, Bernd Pötzsch, Jens Müller

Objectives Analysis of platelet glycoprotein (GP) expression by flow cytometry is applied for diagnostic confirmation of GP-associated thrombocytopathies. While platelet-rich plasma may be used for distinct identification of target events, this strategy is not feasible for small sample volumes or for patients showing low platelet counts and/or giant platelets. However, also the use of whole blood (WB) is hampered by the difficulty to discriminate platelets from red blood cells (RBC) in such patients. To circumvent these limitations, we evaluated the feasibility of a RBC gating-out strategy. Methods In addition to platelet GPIb, GPIIa/IIIa, as well as P-selectin (CD62P), citrated whole blood (CWB) samples were stained for RBC-specific glycophorin A (CD235a). CD235a-negative platelet events were further discriminated by forward-/side-scatter characteristics and platelet GP expressions analyzed relative to that of a healthy control sample processed in parallel. Results Established reference intervals allowed for clear identification of decreased GPIIb/IIIa- or GPIb expression pattern in samples of patients with confirmed Glanzmann thrombasthenia or Bernard-Soulier syndrome, respectively. It could be shown that the analysis of 2,500 platelet events is sufficient for reliable GP expression analysis, rendering the proposed method applicable to samples with low platelet counts. Conclusions This study demonstrates the feasibility of CD235a-based exclusion of RBC for platelet GP expression analysis in CWB. In contrast to direct staining of platelet-specific antigens for target identification, this indirect gating out approach is generally applicable independent of any underlying platelet GP expression deficiency.

PMID: 32598296

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