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IFN-λ Diminishes the Severity of Viral Bronchiolitis in Neonatal Mice by Limiting NADPH Oxidase-Induced PAD4-Independent NETosis.

Journal of immunology (Baltimore, Md. : 1950)

Authors: Ismail Sebina, Ridwan B Rashid, Md Al Amin Sikder, Muhammed Mahfuzur Rahman, Tufael Ahmed, Daniel E Radford-Smith, Sergei V Kotenko, Geoffrey R Hill, Tobias Bald, Simon Phipps

Infants with attenuated type III IFN (IFN-λ) responses are at increased risk of severe lower respiratory tract infection (sLRI). The IL-28Rα-chain and IL-10Rβ-chain form a heterodimeric receptor complex, necessary for IFN-λ signaling. Therefore, to better understand the immunopathogenic mechanisms through which an IFN-λ microenvironment predisposes to a sLRI, we inoculated neonatal wild-type and IL-28R-deficient ( ) mice with pneumonia virus of mice, a rodent-specific pneumovirus. Infected neonates displayed an early, pronounced, and persistent neutrophilia that was associated with enhanced reactive oxygen species (ROS) production, NETosis, and mucus hypersecretion. Targeted deletion of the IL-28R in neutrophils was sufficient to increase neutrophil activation, ROS production, NET formation, and mucus production in the airways. Inhibition of protein-arginine deiminase type 4 (PAD4), a regulator of NETosis, had no effect on myeloperoxidase expression, citrullinated histones, and the magnitude of the inflammatory response in the lungs of infected mice. In contrast, inhibition of ROS production decreased NET formation, cellular inflammation, and mucus hypersecretion. These data suggest that IFN-λ signaling in neutrophils dampens ROS-induced NETosis, limiting the magnitude of the inflammatory response and mucus production. Therapeutics that promote IFN-λ signaling may confer protection against sLRI.

Copyright © 2022 by The American Association of Immunologists, Inc.

PMID: 35675958

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