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Impact of changes at the cell surface upon immunogenicity and colonisation in the gastrointestinal tract.

Cell surface (Amsterdam, Netherlands)

Authors: Gabriela M Avelar, Ivy M Dambuza, Liviana Ricci, Raif Yuecel, Kevin Mackenzie, Delma S Childers, Judith M Bain, Arnab Pradhan, Daniel E Larcombe, Mihai G Netea, Lars P Erwig, Gordon D Brown, Sylvia H Duncan, Neil A R Gow, Alan W Walker, Alistair J P Brown

The immunogenicity of cells is influenced by changes in the exposure of microbe-associated molecular patterns (MAMPs) on the fungal cell surface. Previously, the degree of exposure on the cell surface of the immunoinflammatory MAMP β-(1,3)-glucan was shown to correlate inversely with colonisation levels in the gastrointestinal (GI) tract. This is important because life-threatening systemic candidiasis in critically ill patients often arises from translocation of strains present in the patient's GI tract. Therefore, using a murine model, we have examined the impact of gut-related factors upon β-glucan exposure and colonisation levels in the GI tract. The degree of β-glucan exposure was examined by imaging flow cytometry of cells taken directly from GI compartments, and compared with colonisation levels. Fungal β-glucan exposure was lower in the cecum than the small intestine, and fungal burdens were correspondingly higher in the cecum. This inverse correlation did not hold for the large intestine. The gut fermentation acid, lactate, triggers β-glucan masking leading to attenuated anti- immune responses. Additional fermentation acids are present in the GI tract, including acetate, propionate, and butyrate. We show that these acids also influence β-glucan exposure on cells and, like lactate, they influence β-glucan exposure via Gpr1/Gpa2-mediated signalling. Significantly, 1Δ 2Δ cells displayed elevated β-glucan exposure in the large intestine and a corresponding decrease in fungal burden, consistent with the idea that Gpr1/Gpa2-mediated β-glucan masking influences colonisation of this GI compartment. Finally, extracts from the murine gut and culture supernatants from the mannan grazing gut anaerobe promote β-glucan exposure at the cell surface. Therefore, the local microbiota influences β-glucan exposure levels directly (via mannan grazing) and indirectly (via fermentation acids), whilst β-glucan masking appears to promote colonisation of the murine large intestine.

© 2022 The Authors.

PMID: 36299406

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