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Innate immune receptor signaling induces transient melanoma dedifferentiation while preserving immunogenicity.

Journal for immunotherapy of cancer

Authors: Beatrice Thier, Fang Zhao, Simone Stupia, Alicia Brüggemann, Johannes Koch, Nina Schulze, Susanne Horn, Christoph Coch, Gunther Hartmann, Antje Sucker, Dirk Schadendorf, Annette Paschen

BACKGROUND: Immune-stimulatory agents, like agonists of the innate immune receptor RIG-I, are currently tested in clinical trials as an intratumoral treatment option for patients with unresectable melanoma, aiming to enhance anti-tumor T cell responses. Switching of melanoma toward a dedifferentiated cell state has recently been linked to T cell and therapy resistance. It remains to be determined whether RIG-I agonists affect melanoma differentiation, potentially leading to T cell resistance.

METHODS: Patient metastases-derived melanoma cell lines were treated with the synthetic RIG-I agonist 3pRNA, and effects on tumor cell survival, phenotype and differentiation were determined. Transcriptomic data sets from cell lines and metastases were analyzed for associations between and melanoma differentiation markers and used to define signaling pathways involved in RIG-I-driven dedifferentiation. The impact of 3pRNA-induced melanoma dedifferentiation on CD8 T cell activation was studied in autologous tumor T cell models.

RESULTS: RIG-I activation by 3pRNA induced apoptosis in a subpopulation of melanoma cells, while the majority of tumor cells switched into a non-proliferative cell state. Those persisters displayed a dedifferentiated cell phenotype, marked by downregulation of the melanocytic lineage transcription factor MITF and its target genes, including melanoma differentiation antigens (MDA). Transition into the MITF/MDA cell state was JAK-dependent, with some cells acquiring nerve growth factor receptor expression. MITF/MDA persisters switched back to the proliferative differentiated cell state when RIG-I signaling declined. Consistent with our in vitro findings, an association between melanoma dedifferentiation and high levels was detected in transcriptomic data from patient metastases. Notably, despite their dedifferentiated cell phenotype, 3pRNA-induced MITF/MDA persisters were still efficiently targeted by autologous CD8 tumor-infiltrating T lymphocytes (TILs).

CONCLUSIONS: Our results demonstrate that RIG-I signaling in melanoma cells drives a transient phenotypic switch toward a non-proliferative dedifferentiated persister cell state. Despite their dedifferentiation, those persisters are highly immunogenic and sensitive toward autologous TILs, challenging the concept of melanoma dedifferentiation as a general indicator of T cell resistance. In sum, our findings support the application of RIG-I agonists as a therapeutic tool for the generation of long-term clinical benefit in non-resectable melanoma.

© Author(s) (or their employer(s)) 2022. Re-use permitted under CC BY-NC. No commercial re-use. See rights and permissions. Published by BMJ.

PMID: 35697379

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