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Maladaptive innate immune training of myelopoiesis links inflammatory comorbidities.


Authors: Xiaofei Li, Hui Wang, Xiang Yu, Gundappa Saha, Lydia Kalafati, Charalampos Ioannidis, Ioannis Mitroulis, Mihai G Netea, Triantafyllos Chavakis, George Hajishengallis

Bone marrow (BM)-mediated trained innate immunity (TII) is a state of heightened immune responsiveness of hematopoietic stem and progenitor cells (HSPC) and their myeloid progeny. We show here that maladaptive BM-mediated TII underlies inflammatory comorbidities, as exemplified by the periodontitis-arthritis axis. Experimental-periodontitis-related systemic inflammation in mice induced epigenetic rewiring of HSPC and led to sustained enhancement of production of myeloid cells with increased inflammatory preparedness. The periodontitis-induced trained phenotype was transmissible by BM transplantation to naive recipients, which exhibited increased inflammatory responsiveness and disease severity when subjected to inflammatory arthritis. IL-1 signaling in HSPC was essential for their maladaptive training by periodontitis. Therefore, maladaptive innate immune training of myelopoiesis underlies inflammatory comorbidities and may be pharmacologically targeted to treat them via a holistic approach.

Copyright © 2022 Elsevier Inc. All rights reserved.

PMID: 35483374

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