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  • Antibiotic-induced accumulation of lipid II synergizes with antimicrobial fatty acids to eradicate bacterial populations.


    Authors: Ashelyn E Sidders, Katarzyna M Kedziora, Melina Arts, Jan-Martin Daniel, Stefania de Benedetti, Jenna E Beam, Duyen T Bui, Joshua B Parsons, Tanja Schneider, Sarah E Rowe, Brian P Conlon

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  • Unraveling cross-reactivity of anti-glycan IgG responses in filarial nematode infections.

    Frontiers in immunology

    Authors: Laudine M C Petralia, Angela van Diepen, Dieu-Linh Nguyen, Lena A Lokker, Erliyani Sartono, Sasisekhar Bennuru, Thomas B Nutman, Kenneth Pfarr, Achim Hoerauf, Samuel Wanji, Jeremy M Foster, Cornelis H Hokke

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  • Clinically relevant combined effect of polygenic background, rare pathogenic germline variants, and family history on colorectal cancer incidence.

    BMC medical genomics

    Authors: Emadeldin Hassanin, Isabel Spier, Dheeraj R Bobbili, Rana Aldisi, Hannah Klinkhammer, Friederike David, Nuria Dueñas, Robert Hüneburg, Claudia Perne, Joan Brunet, Gabriel Capella, Markus M Nöthen, Andreas J Forstner, Andreas Mayr, Peter Krawitz, Patrick May, Stefan Aretz, Carlo Maj

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  • Increased IKKϵ protein stability ensures efficient type I interferon responses in conditions of TBK1 deficiency.

    Frontiers in immunology

    Authors: Julia Wegner, Charlotte Hunkler, Katrin Ciupka, Gunther Hartmann, Martin Schlee

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  • Filariasis research - from basic research to drug development and novel diagnostics, over a decade of research at the Institute for Medical Microbiology, Immunology and Parasitology, Bonn, Germany.

    Frontiers in tropical diseases

    Authors: Indulekha Karunakaran, Manuel Ritter, Kenneth Pfarr, Ute Klarmann-Schulz, Alexander Yaw Debrah, Linda Batsa Debrah, Gnatoulma Katawa, Samuel Wanji, Sabine Specht, Tomabu Adjobimey, Marc P Hübner, Achim Hoerauf

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  • Osteoporosis Remains Constant in Patients with Hemophilia-Long-Term Course in Consideration of Comorbidities.


    Authors: Anna C Strauss, Pius Muellejans, Sebastian Koob, Georg Goldmann, Peter H Pennekamp, Thomas A Wallny, Johannes Oldenburg, Andreas C Strauss

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  • Single-cell analysis reveals dynamics of human B cell differentiation and identifies novel B and antibody-secreting cell intermediates.


    Authors: Niels J M Verstegen, Sabrina Pollastro, Peter-Paul A Unger, Casper Marsman, George Elias, Tineke Jorritsma, Marij Streutker, Kevin Bassler, Kristian Haendler, Theo Rispens, Joachim L Schultze, Anja Ten Brinke, Marc Beyer, S Marieke van Ham

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  • Publication categories: Top publication

    Interferon-induced IL-10 drives systemic T-cell dysfunction during chronic liver injury.

    Journal of hepatology

    Authors: Carl-Philipp Hackstein, Jasper Spitzer, Konstantinos Symeonidis, Helena Horvatic, Tanja Bedke, Babett Steglich, Sabine Klein, Lisa M Assmus, Alexandru Odainic, Jennifer Szlapa, Nina Kessler, Marc Beyer, Ricarda Schmithausen, Eicke Latz, Richard A Flavell, Natalio Garbi, Christian Kurts, Beate M Kümmerer, Jonel Trebicka, Axel Roers, Samuel Huber, Susanne V Schmidt, Percy A Knolle, Zeinab Abdullah

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  • Whole body irradiation with intensity-modulated helical tomotherapy prior to haematopoietic stem cell transplantation: analysis of organs at risk by dose and its effect on blood kinetics.

    Journal of cancer research and clinical oncology

    Authors: Mümtaz Köksal, Jonathan Baumert, Danny Jazmati, Felix Schoroth, Stephan Garbe, David Koch, Davide Scafa, Gustavo R Sarria, Christina Leitzen, Gregor Massoth, Achilles Delis, Annkristin Heine, Tobias Holderried, Peter Brossart, Thomas Müdder, Leonard C Schmeel

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  • The pipeline for drugs for control and elimination of neglected tropical diseases: 1. Anti-infective drugs for regulatory registration.

    Parasites & vectors

    Authors: Kenneth M Pfarr, Anna K Krome, Issraa Al-Obaidi, Hannah Batchelor, Michel Vaillant, Achim Hoerauf, Nicholas O Opoku, Annette C Kuesel

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