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  • Tricuspid valve anatomy of massive to torrential tricuspid regurgitation: Computed tomography analysis.

    Journal of cardiovascular computed tomography

    Authors: Atsushi Sugiura, Refik Kavsur, Christian Zachoval, Can Öztürk, Tetsu Tanaka, Johanna Vogelhuber, Nihal Wilde, Sebastian Zimmer, Daniel Kuetting, Georg Nickenig, Marcel Weber

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  • High producer variant of lipoprotein lipase may protect from hepatocellular carcinoma in alcohol-associated cirrhosis.

    JHEP reports : innovation in hepatology

    Authors: Franziska Schmalz, Janett Fischer, Hamish Innes, Stephan Buch, Christine Möller, Madlen Matz-Soja, Witigo von Schönfels, Benjamin Krämer, Bettina Langhans, Alexandra Klüners, Michael Soyka, Felix Stickel, Jacob Nattermann, Christian P Strassburg, Thomas Berg, Philipp Lutz, Hans Dieter Nischalke

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  • Evolution of Clinical Outcome Measures and Biomarkers in Sporadic Adult-Onset Degenerative Ataxia.

    Movement disorders : official journal of the Movement Disorder Society

    Authors: Demet Oender, Jennifer Faber, Carlo Wilke, Tamara Schaprian, Asadeh Lakghomi, David Mengel, Ludger Schöls, Andreas Traschütz, Zofia Fleszar, Claudia Dufke, Stefan Vielhaber, Judith Machts, Ilaria Giordano, Marcus Grobe-Einsler, Thomas Klopstock, Claudia Stendel, Sylvia Boesch, Wolfgang Nachbauer, Dagmar Timmann-Braun, Andreas Gustafsson Thieme, Christoph Kamm, Ales Dudesek, Chantal Tallaksen, Iselin Wedding, Alessandro Filla, Matthias Schmid, Matthis Synofzik, Thomas Klockgether

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  • Chronic low-dose Δ-tetrahydrocannabinol (THC) treatment stabilizes dendritic spines in 18-month-old mice.

    Scientific reports

    Authors: Joanna Agnieszka Komorowska-Müller, Anne-Kathrin Gellner, Kishore Aravind Ravichandran, Andras Bilkei-Gorzo, Andreas Zimmer, Valentin Stein

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  • Reply to Jon Griffin. TIME for a Change? Multimarker Assessment of the Tumour Immune Microenvironment and Metastatic Site Biopsy to Improve Immunotherapy Response Prediction in Muscle-invasive Bladder Cancer. Eur Urol. 2023;43:143-4.

    European urology

    Authors: Niklas Klümper, Michael Hölzel, Markus Eckstein

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  • Circulating levels of endotrophin and cross-linked type III collagen reflect liver fibrosis in people with HIV.

    BMC infectious diseases

    Authors: Leona Dold, Mette J Nielsen, Michael Praktiknjo, Carolynne Schwarze-Zander, Christoph Boesecke, Jan-Christian Wasmuth, Jenny Bischoff, Jürgen Kurt Rockstroh, Morten A Karsdal, Ulrich Spengler, Jonel Trebicka, Christian P Strassburg, Diana J Leeming, Bettina Langhans

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  • Opposing Effects of Interleukin-36γ and Interleukin-38 on Trained Immunity.

    International journal of molecular sciences

    Authors: Lisa U Teufel, Mihai G Netea, Frank L van de Veerdonk, Charles A Dinarello, Leo A B Joosten, Rob J W Arts

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  • Immune signatures predict development of autoimmune toxicity in patients with cancer treated with immune checkpoint inhibitors.

    Med (New York, N.Y.)

    Authors: Nicolas Gonzalo Nuñez, Fiamma Berner, Ekaterina Friebel, Susanne Unger, Nina Wyss, Julia Martinez Gomez, Mette-Triin Purde, Rebekka Niederer, Maximilian Porsch, Christa Lichtensteiger, Rafaela Kramer, Michael Erdmann, Christina Schmitt, Lucie Heinzerling, Marie-Therese Abdou, Julia Karbach, Dirk Schadendorf, Lisa Zimmer, Selma Ugurel, Niklas Klümper, Michael Hölzel, Laura Power, Stefanie Kreutmair, Mariaelena Capone, Gabriele Madonna, Lacin Cevhertas, Anja Heider, Teresa Amaral, Omar Hasan Ali, David Bomze, Florentia Dimitriou, Stefan Diem, Paolo Antonio Ascierto, Reinhard Dummer, Elke Jäger, Christoph Driessen, Mitchell Paul Levesque, Willem van de Veen, Markus Joerger, Martin Früh, Burkhard Becher, Lukas Flatz

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  • Clinically Relevant Pancreatic Fistula after Pancreaticoduodenectomy: How We Do It.


    Authors: Jana Enderes, Christiane Pillny, Hanno Matthaei, Steffen Manekeller, Jörg C Kalff, Tim R Glowka

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  • In search of the Holy Grail in atopic dermatitis: Will dupilumab become the first disease-modifying atopic dermatitis drug?

    The Journal of allergy and clinical immunology

    Authors: Thomas Bieber

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