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  • Persisting dental foci increase the risk for bacterial infections before and after liver transplant.

    Clinical transplantation

    Authors: Philipp Göbel, Christiane Forsting, Alexandra Klüners, Petra Knipper, Steffen Manekeller, Jacob Nattermann, Jörg C Kalff, Franz-Josef Kramer, Christian P Strassburg, Philipp Lutz

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  • Adipocytokine plasma concentrations reflect influence of inflammation but not body mass index (BMI) on clinical outcomes of COVID-19 patients: A prospective observational study from the Netherlands.

    Clinical obesity

    Authors: Aline H de Nooijer, Emma J Kooistra, Inge Grondman, Nico A F Janssen, Leo A B Joosten, Frank L van de Veerdonk, Matthijs Kox, Peter Pickkers, Mihai G Netea

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  • Gut Microbiome Analysis for Personalized Nutrition: The State of Science.

    Molecular nutrition & food research

    Authors: Marie-Christine Simon, Christian Sina, Paola G Ferrario, Hannelore Daniel

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  • V132 induces trained immunity and enhances the responses triggered by the polybacterial vaccine MV140 for genitourinary tract infections.

    Frontiers in immunology

    Authors: Leticia Martín-Cruz, Alba Angelina, Ilayda Baydemir, Özlem Bulut, José Luis Subiza, Mihai G Netea, Jorge Domínguez-Andrés, Oscar Palomares

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  • Cardiac involvement in non-cirrhotic portal hypertension: MRI detects myocardial fibrosis and oedema similar to compensated cirrhosis.

    European heart journal. Cardiovascular Imaging

    Authors: Alexander Isaak, Johannes Chang, Narine Mesropyan, Dmitrij Kravchenko, Christoph Endler, Leon Bischoff, Nina Böhling, Claus C Pieper, Daniel Kuetting, Christian P Strassburg, Ulrike Attenberger, Christian Jansen, Michael Praktiknjo, Julian A Luetkens

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  • Publication categories: Top publication

    Antiviral signalling by a cyclic nucleotide activated CRISPR protease.


    Authors: Christophe Rouillon, Niels Schneberger, Haotian Chi, Katja Blumenstock, Stefano Da Vela, Katrin Ackermann, Jonas Moecking, Martin F Peter, Wolfgang Boenigk, Reinhard Seifert, Bela E Bode, Jonathan L Schmid-Burgk, Dmitri Svergun, Matthias Geyer, Malcolm F White, Gregor Hagelueken

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  • Don't fear the (small) bite: A narrative review of the rationale and misconceptions surrounding closure of abdominal wall incisions.

    Frontiers in surgery

    Authors: Alexis Theodorou, Mark Banysch, Hakan Gök, Eva B Deerenberg, Joerg C Kalff, Martin W von Websky

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  • Pre-transplant serum Beta Trace Protein indicates risk for post-transplant major cardiac adverse events.

    Nephrology (Carlton, Vic.)

    Authors: Sebastian Schwab, Daniel Pörner, Carola-Ellen Kleine, Roxana Werberich, Louisa Werberich, Stephan Reinhard, Dominik Bös, Christian P Strassburg, Sibylle von Vietinghoff, Philipp Lutz, Rainer P Woitas

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  • Inhibition of p38 signaling curtails the SARS-CoV-2 induced inflammatory response but retains the IFN-dependent antiviral defense of the lung epithelial barrier.

    Antiviral research

    Authors: Aileen Faist, Sebastian Schloer, Angeles Mecate-Zambrano, Josua Janowski, André Schreiber, Yvonne Boergeling, Beate C G Conrad, Sriram Kumar, Leonie Toebben, Klaus Schughart, Morris Baumgardt, Mirjana Kessler, Katja Hoenzke, Andreas Hocke, Marcel Trautmann, Wolfgang Hartmann, Hiroki Kato, Ursula Rescher, Anmari Christersson, Joachim Kuehn, Alexander Mellmann, Thorsten Wolff, Philip Kuempers, Alexandros Rovas, Rainer Wiewrodt, Karsten Wiebe, Peter Barth, Stephan Ludwig, Linda Brunotte

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  • Peripheral blood kinetics following total body irradiation and allogeneic hematopoietic stem cell transplantation: Timing matters.

    Cancer medicine

    Authors: Cas S Dejonckheere, Alexander M C Böhner, Eva Schmitz, Tobias A W Holderried, Leonard C Schmeel, Peter Brossart, Frank A Giordano, Mümtaz A Köksal

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