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  • Distinct -Specific Immunoglobulin Subclasses Are Induced by Different Stages-A Tool to Decipher Infection Stages.

    Pathogens (Basel, Switzerland)

    Authors: Kathrin Arndts, Tayseer E M Elfaki, Michael J Doenhoff, Gnatoulma Katawa, Ibtisam A Goreish, Misk El Yemen A Atti El Mekki, Achim Hoerauf, Manuel Ritter, Laura E Layland

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  • Application of a RiboTag-based approach to generate and analyze mRNA from enteric neural cells.

    Neurogastroenterology and motility : the official journal of the European Gastrointestinal Motility Society

    Authors: Patrick Leven, Reiner Schneider, Kevin D Siemens, Walker S Jackson, Sven Wehner

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  • Road traffic noise impacts sleep continuity in suburban residents: Exposure-response quantification of noise-induced awakenings from vehicle pass-bys at night.

    The Science of the total environment

    Authors: Sandra Sanok, Moritz Berger, Uwe Müller, Matthias Schmid, Sarah Weidenfeld, Eva-Maria Elmenhorst, Daniel Aeschbach

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  • Type 2B von Willebrand Disease: Early Manifestation as Neonatal Thrombocytopenia.


    Authors: David Kranzhöfer, Anna Pavlova, Hendryk Schneider, Peter Franck, Hannah Glonnegger, Martin Büchsel, Ayami Yoshimi-Nöllke, Johannes Oldenburg, Barbara Zieger

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  • Inflammasome activation in neurodegenerative diseases.

    Essays in biochemistry

    Authors: Kishore Aravind Ravichandran, Michael T Heneka

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  • Altered Serum Phospholipids in Atopic Dermatitis and Association with Clinical Status.

    JID innovations : skin science from molecules to population health

    Authors: Takashi Sakai, Nadine Herrmann, Laura Maintz, Tim Joachim Nümm, Thomas Welchowski, Ralf A Claus, Markus H Gräler, Thomas Bieber

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  • Expanding Theranostic Radiopharmaceuticals for Tumor Diagnosis and Therapy.

    Pharmaceuticals (Basel, Switzerland)

    Authors: Cristina Barca, Christoph M Griessinger, Andreas Faust, Dominic Depke, Markus Essler, Albert D Windhorst, Nick Devoogdt, Kevin M Brindle, Michael Schäfers, Bastian Zinnhardt, Andreas H Jacobs

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  • Antimicrobial Late Cornified Envelope Proteins: The Psoriasis Risk Factor Deletion of LCE3B/C Genes Affects Microbiota Composition.

    The Journal of investigative dermatology

    Authors: Hanna Niehues, Danique A van der Krieken, Thomas H A Ederveen, Patrick A M Jansen, Laura van Niftrik, Rob Mesman, Mihai G Netea, Jos P H Smits, Joost Schalkwijk, Ellen H van den Bogaard, Patrick L J M Zeeuwen

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  • Amyloid-like aggregating proteins cause lysosomal defects in neurons via gain-of-function toxicity.

    Life science alliance

    Authors: Irene Riera-Tur, Tillman Schäfer, Daniel Hornburg, Archana Mishra, Miguel da Silva Padilha, Lorena Fernández-Mosquera, Dennis Feigenbutz, Patrick Auer, Matthias Mann, Wolfgang Baumeister, Rüdiger Klein, Felix Meissner, Nuno Raimundo, Rubén Fernández-Busnadiego, Irina Dudanova

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  • TIPS and splenorenal shunt for complications of portal hypertension in chronic hepatosplenic schistosomiasis-A case series and review of the literature.

    PLoS neglected tropical diseases

    Authors: Tamara Nordmann, Stefan Schlabe, Torsten Feldt, Federico Gobbi, Andreas Krieg, Johannes G Bode, Andre Fuchs, Christian Kraef, Michael Praktiknjo, Jonel Trebicka, Michael Ramharter, Marylyn M Addo, Christian Strassburg, Ansgar W Lohse, Tom Luedde, Stefan Schmiedel, Hans Martin Orth

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