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  • Case report: Ipilimumab and nivolumab in metastatic adrenocortical cancer with high tumor mutational burden.

    Frontiers in oncology

    Authors: Rebekka Mispelbaum, Tessa Hattenhauer, Franz-Georg Bauernfeind, Jan-Frederic Lau, Peter Brossart, Annkristin Heine

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  • Stenting with dual-layer CGuard stent in acute sub-occlusive carotid artery stenosis and in tandem occlusions: a monocentric study.


    Authors: Mousa Zidan, Christian Gronemann, Nils Christian Lehnen, Felix Bode, Johannes Weller, Gabor Petzold, Alexander Radbruch, Daniel Paech, Franziska Dorn

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  • Author Correction: Gel-like inclusions of C-terminal fragments of TDP-43 sequester stalled proteasomes in neurons.

    EMBO reports

    Authors: Henrick Riemenschneider, Qiang Guo, Jakob Bader, Frédéric Frottin, Daniel Farny, Gernot Kleinberger, Christian Haass, Matthias Mann, F Ulrich Hartl, Wolfgang Baumeister, Mark S Hipp, Felix Meissner, Rubén Fernández-Busnadiego, Dieter Edbauer

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  • Synthesis of Bisindole Alkaloids and Their Mode of Action against Methicillin-Resistant .

    ACS infectious diseases

    Authors: Emmanuel T Adeniyi, Marco Kruppa, Stefania De Benedetti, Kevin C Ludwig, Violetta Krisilia, Tobias R Wassenberg, Melissa Both, Tanja Schneider, Thomas J J Müller, Rainer Kalscheuer

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  • Triple Blockade of Oncogenic RAS Signaling Using KRAS and MEK Inhibitors in Combination with Irradiation in Pancreatic Cancer.

    International journal of molecular sciences

    Authors: Xuan Wang, Johanna Breuer, Stephan Garbe, Frank Giordano, Peter Brossart, Georg Feldmann, Savita Bisht

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  • Dysregulation of stress erythropoiesis and enhanced susceptibility to Salmonella Typhimurium infection in AhR-deficient mice.

    The Journal of infectious diseases

    Authors: Michelle Mayer, Sevgi Can Cengiz-Dartenne, Manja Thiem, Philip Hatzfeld, Adrian Semeniuk, Nancy Wang, Richard A Strugnell, Irmgard Förster, Heike Weighardt

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  • Aortic Valve Stenosis Causes Accumulation of Extracellular Hemoglobin and Systemic Endothelial Dysfunction.


    Authors: Christine Quast, Florian Bönner, Amin Polzin, Verena Veulemans, Ramesh Chennupati, Isabella Gyamfi Poku, Susanne Pfeiler, Nicolas Kramser, Magdalena Nankinova, Nicole Staub, Elric Zweck, Juliane Jokiel, Fabian Keyser, Jasmina Hoffe, Sven Witkowski, Katrin Becker, Pia Leuders, Saif Zako, Ralf Erkens, Christian Jung, Ulrich Flögel, Tianai Wang, Michael Neidlin, Ulrich Steinseifer, Sven Thomas Niepmann, Sebastian Zimmer, Norbert Gerdes, Miriam M Cortese-Krott, Martin Feelisch, Tobias Zeus, Malte Kelm

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  • Symptomatic Clusters Related to Amyloid Positivity in Cognitively Unimpaired Individuals.

    Journal of Alzheimer's disease : JAD

    Authors: Lena Sannemann, Claudia Bartels, Frederic Brosseron, Katharina Buerger, Klaus Fliessbach, Silka Dawn Freiesleben, Ingo Frommann, Wenzel Glanz, Michael T Heneka, Daniel Janowitz, Ingo Kilimann, Luca Kleineidam, Dominik Lammerding, Christoph Laske, Matthias H J Munk, Robert Perneczky, Oliver Peters, Josef Priller, Boris-Stephan Rauchmann, Ayda Rostamzadeh, Nina Roy-Kluth, Ann-Katrin Schild, Anja Schneider, Luisa-Sophie Schneider, Annika Spottke, Eike Jakob Spruth, Stefan Teipel, Michael Wagner, Jens Wiltfang, Steffen Wolfsgruber, Emrah Duezel, Frank Jessen

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  • Impact of secreted glucanases upon the cell surface and fitness of during colonisation and infection.

    Cell surface (Amsterdam, Netherlands)

    Authors: Qinxi Ma, Arnab Pradhan, Ian Leaves, Emer Hickey, Elena Roselletti, Ivy Dambuza, Daniel E Larcombe, Leandro Jose de Assis, Duncan Wilson, Lars P Erwig, Mihai G Netea, Delma S Childers, Gordon D Brown, Neil A R Gow, Alistair J P Brown

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  • The Impact of Time to Initiate Therapeutic Hypothermia on Short-Term Neurological Outcomes in Neonates with Hypoxic-Ischemic Encephalopathy.

    Children (Basel, Switzerland)

    Authors: Till Dresbach, Viktoria Rigoni, Anne Groteklaes, Thomas Hoehn, Anja Stein, Ursula Felderhoff-Mueser, Andreas Mueller, Hemmen Sabir

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