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  • Activation of the MAPK network provides a survival advantage during the course of COVID-19-induced sepsis: a real-world evidence analysis of a multicenter COVID-19 Sepsis Cohort.


    Authors: Andrea Witowski, Lars Palmowski, Tim Rahmel, Hartmuth Nowak, Stefan F Ehrentraut, Christian Putensen, Thilo von Groote, Alexander Zarbock, Nina Babel, Moritz Anft, Barbara Sitek, Thilo Bracht, Malte Bayer, Maike Weber, Christina Weisheit, Stephanie Pfänder, Martin Eisenacher, Michael Adamzik, Rump Katharina, Björn Koos, Dominik Ziehe

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    Plasma extracellular vesicle tau and TDP-43 as diagnostic biomarkers in FTD and ALS.

    Nature medicine

    Authors: Madhurima Chatterjee, Selcuk Özdemir, Christian Fritz, Wiebke Möbius, Luca Kleineidam, Eckhard Mandelkow, Jacek Biernat, Cem Doğdu, Oliver Peters, Nicoleta Carmen Cosma, Xiao Wang, Luisa-Sophia Schneider, Josef Priller, Eike Spruth, Andrea A Kühn, Patricia Krause, Thomas Klockgether, Ina R Vogt, Okka Kimmich, Annika Spottke, Daniel C Hoffmann, Klaus Fliessbach, Carolin Miklitz, Cornelia McCormick, Patrick Weydt, Björn Falkenburger, Moritz Brandt, René Guenther, Elisabeth Dinter, Jens Wiltfang, Niels Hansen, Mathias Bähr, Inga Zerr, Agnes Flöel, Peter J Nestor, Emrah Düzel, Wenzel Glanz, Enise Incesoy, Katharina Bürger, Daniel Janowitz, Robert Perneczky, Boris S Rauchmann, Franziska Hopfner, Olivia Wagemann, Johannes Levin, Stefan Teipel, Ingo Kilimann, Doreen Goerss, Johannes Prudlo, Thomas Gasser, Kathrin Brockmann, David Mengel, Milan Zimmermann, Matthis Synofzik, Carlo Wilke, Judit Selma-González, Janina Turon-Sans, Miguel Angel Santos-Santos, Daniel Alcolea, Sara Rubio-Guerra, Juan Fortea, Álvaro Carbayo, Alberto Lleó, Ricardo Rojas-García, Ignacio Illán-Gala, Michael Wagner, Ingo Frommann, Sandra Roeske, Lucas Bertram, Michael T Heneka, Frederic Brosseron, Alfredo Ramirez, Matthias Schmid, Rudi Beschorner, Annett Halle, Jochen Herms, Manuela Neumann, Nicolas R Barthélemy, Randall J Bateman, Patrizia Rizzu, Peter Heutink, Oriol Dols-Icardo, Günter Höglinger, Andreas Hermann, Anja Schneider

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  • Extracellular matrix remodelling pathway in peripheral blood mononuclear cells from severe COVID-19 patients: an explorative study.

    Frontiers in immunology

    Authors: Sarah Louise Murphy, Nora Reka Balzer, Trine Ranheim, Ellen Lund Sagen, Camilla Huse, Vigdis Bjerkeli, Annika E Michelsen, Ane-Kristine Finbråten, Lars Heggelund, Anne Ma Dyrhol-Riise, Anders Tveita, Aleksander Rygh Holten, Marius Trøseid, Thor Ueland, Thomas Ulas, Pål Aukrust, Andreas Barratt-Due, Bente Halvorsen, Tuva Børresdatter Dahl

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  • Topical application of a CCL22-binding aptamer suppresses contact allergy.

    Molecular therapy. Nucleic acids

    Authors: Anna Jonczyk, Marlene Gottschalk, Matthew S J Mangan, Yasmin Majlesain, Manja W Thiem, Lea-Corinna Burbaum, Heike Weighardt, Eicke Latz, Günter Mayer, Irmgard Förster

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  • Clinical and pathological characteristics of gestational diabetes mellitus with different insulin resistance.

    Journal of diabetes and its complications

    Authors: Yidan Luo, Yuqin Qin, Lin Kong, Junqing Long, Veronika Lukacs-Kornek, Jian Li, Hongwei Wei, Jie Qin

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  • Platelets in Kawasaki disease: mediators of vascular inflammation.

    Nature reviews. Rheumatology

    Authors: Magali Noval Rivas, Begüm Kocatürk, Bernardo S Franklin, Moshe Arditi

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  • Missing data in amortized simulation-based neural posterior estimation.

    PLoS computational biology

    Authors: Zijian Wang, Jan Hasenauer, Yannik Schälte

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  • Tackling neurodegeneration with omics: a path towards new targets and drugs.

    Frontiers in molecular neuroscience

    Authors: Caterina Carraro, Jessica V Montgomery, Julien Klimmt, Dominik Paquet, Joachim L Schultze, Marc D Beyer

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  • Effects of a biotechnologically produced Pleurotus sapidus mycelium on gut microbiome, liver transcriptome and plasma metabolome of broilers.

    Poultry science

    Authors: Lea Schäfer, Sarah M Grundmann, Martin Rühl, Holger Zorn, Waldemar Seel, Marie-Christine Simon, Sven Schuchardt, Erika Most, Robert Ringseis, Klaus Eder

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  • Induction and antiviral activity of ferret myxovirus resistance (Mx) protein 1 against influenza A viruses.

    Scientific reports

    Authors: Rubaiyea Farrukee, Lara S U Schwab, James B Barnes, Andrew G Brooks, Sarah L Londrigan, Gunther Hartmann, Thomas Zillinger, Patrick C Reading

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