Transient and permanent hydrocephalus following resection of brain metastases located in the posterior fossa: incidence, risk factors and the necessity of perioperative external ventricular drainage placement.
Journal of neuro-oncology
Ehab Shabo, Anna-Laura Potthoff, Thomas Zeyen, Julian P Layer, Stefan Ehrentraut, Jasmin Scorzin, Felix Lehmann, Nils Christian Lehnen, Mohammed Banat, Johannes Weller, Florian Gessler, Daniel Paech, Motaz Hamed, Valeri Borger, Alexander Radbruch, Ulrich Herrlinger, Leonie Weinhold, Hartmut Vatter, Matthias Schneider
Ablation of CCL17-positive hippocampal neurons induces inflammation-dependent epilepsy.
Judith Eberhard, Lukas Henning, Lorenz Fülle, Konrad Knöpper, Jana Böhringer, Frederike J Graelmann, Lea Hänschke, Julia Kenzler, Frederic Brosseron, Michael T Heneka, Ana I Domingos, Stefanie Eyerich, Matthias Lochner, Heike Weighardt, Peter Bedner, Christian Steinhäuser, Irmgard Förster
Longitudinal markers of cognitive procedural learning in fronto-striatal circuits and putative effects of a BDNF plasticity-related variant.
NPJ science of learning
Lena S Geiger, Torsten Wüstenberg, Zhenxiang Zang, Mirjam Melzer, Stephanie H Witt, Marcella Rietschel, Markus M Nöthen, Stefan Herms, Franziska Degenhardt, Andreas Meyer-Lindenberg, Carolin Moessnang
Deciphering the Therapeutic Potential of Novel Pentyloxyamide-Based Class I, IIb HDAC Inhibitors against Therapy-Resistant Leukemia.
Journal of medicinal chemistry
Fabian Fischer, Julian Schliehe-Diecks, Jia-Wey Tu, Tanja Gangnus, Yu Lin Ho, Mara Hebeis, Leandro A Alves Avelar, Katerina Scharov, Titus Watrin, Marie Kemkes, Pawel Stachura, Katharina Daugs, Lukas Biermann, Josefa Kremeyer, Nadine Horstick, Ingrid Span, Aleksandra A Pandyra, Arndt Borkhardt, Holger Gohlke, Matthias U Kassack, Bjoern B Burckhardt, Sanil Bhatia, Thomas Kurz
Rapid and motion-robust pediatric brain imaging: T2-weighted turbo-spin-echo PROPELLER acquisition with compressed sensing.
Pediatric radiology
Barbara Daria Wichtmann, Christoph Katemann, Mergim Kadrija, Yannik C Layer, Leon M Bischoff, Yvonne Scheuver, Madeleine Mezger, Oliver M Weber, Julian A Luetkens, Ulrike I Attenberger, Alexander Radbruch, Daniel Paech
Investigating the Role of Primary Cilia and Bone Morphogenetic Protein Signaling in Periodontal Ligament Response to Orthodontic Strain In Vivo and In Vitro: A Pilot Study.
Allosteric substrate release by a sialic acid TRAP transporter substrate binding protein.
Communications biology
Niels Schneberger, Philipp Hendricks, Martin F Peter, Erik Gehrke, Sophie C Binder, Paul-Albert Koenig, Stephan Menzel, Gavin H Thomas, Gregor Hagelueken