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  • Active smokers show ameliorated delayed gastric emptying after pancreatoduodenectomy.

    BMC surgery

    Authors: Jana Enderes, Jessica Teschke, Martin von Websky, Steffen Manekeller, Jörg C Kalff, Tim R Glowka

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  • Role of CGRP pathway polymorphisms in migraine: a systematic review and impact on CGRP mAbs migraine therapy.

    The journal of headache and pain

    Authors: Damiana Scuteri, Maria Tiziana Corasaniti, Paolo Tonin, Pierluigi Nicotera, Giacinto Bagetta

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  • Increased sTREM-1 plasma concentrations are associated with poor clinical outcomes in patients with COVID-19.

    Bioscience reports

    Authors: Aline H de Nooijer, Inge Grondman, Simon Lambden, Emma J Kooistra, Nico A F Janssen, Matthijs Kox, Peter Pickkers, Leo A B Joosten, Frank L van de Veerdonk, Marc Derive, Sebastien Gibot, Mihai G Netea

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  • Workflow Times and Outcome of Endovascular Therapy in Stroke Patients with Initial MRI or CT.

    Cerebrovascular diseases (Basel, Switzerland)

    Authors: Sebastian Stösser, Felix J Bode, Franziska Dorn, Gabor C Petzold

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  • Long-term B cell depletion associates with regeneration of kidney function.

    Immunity, inflammation and disease

    Authors: Susanne V Fleig, Franz F Konen, Christoph Schröder, Jessica Schmitz, Stefan Gingele, Jan H Bräsen, Svjetlana Lovric, Bernhard M W Schmidt, Hermann Haller, Thomas Skripuletz, Sibylle von Vietinghoff

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  • Electrical vagus nerve stimulation as a prophylaxis for SIRS and postoperative ileus.

    Autonomic neuroscience : basic & clinical

    Authors: Cornelius J van Beekum, Maria A Willis, Martin W von Websky, Nils P Sommer, Jörg C Kalff, Sven Wehner, Tim O Vilz

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  • Identification of pleiotropy at the gene level between psychiatric disorders and related traits.

    Translational psychiatry

    Authors: Tatiana Polushina, Niladri Banerjee, Sudheer Giddaluru, Francesco Bettella, Thomas Espeseth, Astri J Lundervold, Srdjan Djurovic, Sven Cichon, Per Hoffmann, Markus M Nöthen, Vidar M Steen, Ole A Andreassen, Stéphanie Le Hellard

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  • [Fireside chat "§ 13 (2b) AMG in nuclear medicine therapy" - a follow-up event of NuklearMedizin 2020 - Digital].

    Nuklearmedizin. Nuclear medicine

    Authors: Marianne Patt, Frank Bengel, Markus Essler, Bernd-Joachim Krause, Torsten Kuwert, Kambiz Rahbar, Osama Sabri, Wolfgang Schäfer, Matthias Schreckenberger, Wolfgang A Weber, Ken Herrmann

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  • Evaluating a Machine Learning Tool for the Classification of Pathological Uptake in Whole-Body PSMA-PET-CT Scans.

    Tomography (Ann Arbor, Mich.)

    Authors: Annette Erle, Sobhan Moazemi, Susanne Lütje, Markus Essler, Thomas Schultz, Ralph A Bundschuh

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  • Evaluation of the in vitro susceptibility of various filarial nematodes to emodepside.

    International journal for parasitology. Drugs and drug resistance

    Authors: Marc P Hübner, Simon Townson, Suzanne Gokool, Senyo Tagboto, Mary J Maclean, Guilherme G Verocai, Adrian J Wolstenholme, Stefan J Frohberger, Achim Hoerauf, Sabine Specht, Ivan Scandale, Achim Harder, Martin Glenschek-Sieberth, Steffen R Hahnel, Daniel Kulke

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