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  • Integration of Cardiac Actin Mutants Causing Hypertrophic (p.A295S) and Dilated Cardiomyopathy (p.R312H and p.E361G) into Cellular Structures.

    Antioxidants (Basel, Switzerland)

    Authors: Constanze Erdmann, Roua Hassoun, Sebastian Schmitt, Carlos Kikuti, Anne Houdusse, Antonina J Mazur, Andreas Mügge, Nazha Hamdani, Matthias Geyer, Kornelia Jaquet, Hans Georg Mannherz

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  • Alpha-Fetoprotein- and CD40Ligand-Expressing Dendritic Cells for Immunotherapy of Hepatocellular Carcinoma.


    Authors: Annabelle Vogt, Farsaneh Sadeghlar, Tiyasha H Ayub, Carlo Schneider, Christian Möhring, Taotao Zhou, Robert Mahn, Alexandra Bartels, Michael Praktiknjo, Miroslaw T Kornek, Marieta Toma, Ingo G H Schmidt-Wolf, Vittorio Branchi, Hanno Matthaei, Jörg C Kalff, Christian P Strassburg, Maria A Gonzalez-Carmona

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  • Conception and Feasibility of a Digital Tele-Guided Abdomen, Thorax, and Thyroid Gland Ultrasound Course for Medical Students (TELUS study).

    Ultraschall in der Medizin (Stuttgart, Germany : 1980)

    Authors: Elena Höhne, Florian Recker, Erik Schmok, Peter Brossart, Tobias Raupach, Valentin Sebastian Schäfer

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  • MRI of Finger Pulleys at 7T-Direct Characterization of Pulley Ruptures in an Ex Vivo Model.

    Diagnostics (Basel, Switzerland)

    Authors: Rafael Heiss, Alexander Librimir, Christoph Lutter, Rolf Janka, Stefanie Kuerten, Frank W Roemer, Armin M Nagel, Michael Uder, Thomas Bayer

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  • Combined Assessment of Preoperative Frailty and Sarcopenia Allows the Prediction of Overall Survival in Patients with Lung Cancer (NSCLC) and Surgically Treated Brain Metastasis.


    Authors: Inja Ilic, Anton Faron, Muriel Heimann, Anna-Laura Potthoff, Niklas Schäfer, Christian Bode, Valeri Borger, Lars Eichhorn, Frank A Giordano, Erdem Güresir, Andreas H Jacobs, Yon-Dschun Ko, Jennifer Landsberg, Felix Lehmann, Alexander Radbruch, Ulrich Herrlinger, Hartmut Vatter, Patrick Schuss, Matthias Schneider

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  • Diet-regulated production of PDGFcc by macrophages controls energy storage.

    Science (New York, N.Y.)

    Authors: Nehemiah Cox, Lucile Crozet, Inge R Holtman, Pierre-Louis Loyher, Tomi Lazarov, Jessica B White, Elvira Mass, E Richard Stanley, Olivier Elemento, Christopher K Glass, Frederic Geissmann

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  • Uncoupling of IL-6 signaling and LC3-associated phagocytosis drives immunoparalysis during sepsis.

    Cell host & microbe

    Authors: Tonia Akoumianaki, Katerina Vaporidi, Eleni Diamantaki, Frédéric Pène, Remi Beau, Mark S Gresnigt, Marina Gkountzinopulou, Maria Venichaki, Elias Drakos, Jamel El-Benna, George Samonis, Kieu T T Le, Vinod Kumar, Dimitrios Georgopoulos, Frank L van de Veerdonk, Mihai G Netea, Jean-Paul Latge, Georgios Chamilos

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  • Identification of covalent modifications regulating immune signaling complex composition and phenotype.

    Molecular systems biology

    Authors: Annika Frauenstein, Stefan Ebner, Fynn M Hansen, Ankit Sinha, Kshiti Phulphagar, Kirby Swatek, Daniel Hornburg, Matthias Mann, Felix Meissner

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  • Untersuchung genetischer Einflüsse auf Riechstörungen bei Patienten mit hereditärem Angioödem Typ 1 und 2.

    Journal der Deutschen Dermatologischen Gesellschaft = Journal of the German Society of Dermatology : JDDG

    Authors: Ulrike Förster-Ruhrmann, Greta Pierchalla, Christiane Stieber, Stefanie Heilmann-Heimbach, Sven Cichon, Markus M Nöthen, André Ellrich, Heidi Olze, Marcus Maurer, Markus Magerl

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  • Tumor rejection in mice depends on IL-9 and Th9 cells.

    Journal for immunotherapy of cancer

    Authors: Oliver Schanz, Isabelle Cornez, Sowmya Parampalli Yajnanarayana, Friederike Sophie David, Sebastian Peer, Thomas Gruber, Peter Krawitz, Peter Brossart, Annkristin Heine, Jenny Landsberg, Gottfried Baier, Dominik Wolf

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