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    Transmission of trained immunity and heterologous resistance to infections across generations.

    Nature immunology

    Authors: Natalie Katzmarski, Jorge Domínguez-Andrés, Branko Cirovic, Georgios Renieris, Eleonora Ciarlo, Didier Le Roy, Konstantin Lepikhov, Kathrin Kattler, Gilles Gasparoni, Kristian Händler, Heidi Theis, Marc Beyer, Jos W M van der Meer, Leo A B Joosten, Jörn Walter, Joachim L Schultze, Thierry Roger, Evangelos J Giamarellos-Bourboulis, Andreas Schlitzer, Mihai G Netea

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  • Editorial: Primary Glial and Immune Cell Pathology in Neurodegenerative Diseases.

    Frontiers in neurology

    Authors: András Lakatos, Gabor Petzold

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  • TREM2 modulates differential deposition of modified and non-modified Aβ species in extracellular plaques and intraneuronal deposits.

    Acta neuropathologica communications

    Authors: Pranav Joshi, Florian Riffel, Sathish Kumar, Nàdia Villacampa, Sandra Theil, Samira Parhizkar, Christian Haass, Marco Colonna, Michael T Heneka, Thomas Arzberger, Jochen Herms, Jochen Walter

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  • Host Defense Peptides: Dual Antimicrobial and Immunomodulatory Action.

    International journal of molecular sciences

    Authors: Matthew Drayton, Julia P Deisinger, Kevin C Ludwig, Nigare Raheem, Anna Müller, Tanja Schneider, Suzana K Straus

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  • Deciphering How NLRP3 Incites the Stromal Response in Kawasaki Vasculitis.

    Circulation research

    Authors: Anette Christ, Eicke Latz

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  • The Mannose Receptor: From Endocytic Receptor and Biomarker to Regulator of (Meta)Inflammation.

    Frontiers in immunology

    Authors: Hendrik J P van der Zande, Dominik Nitsche, Laura Schlautmann, Bruno Guigas, Sven Burgdorf

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  • Ten German versions of Rey's auditory verbal learning test: Age and sex effects in 4,000 adults of the Rhineland Study.

    Journal of clinical and experimental neuropsychology

    Authors: Meta M Boenniger, Christian Staerk, Annabell Coors, Willem Huijbers, Ulrich Ettinger, Monique M B Breteler

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  • PC Deficiency Testing: Thrombin-Thrombomodulin as PC Activator and Aptamer-Based Enzyme Capturing Increase Diagnostic Accuracy.

    Frontiers in cardiovascular medicine

    Authors: Sara Reda, Heiko Rühl, Jana Witkowski, Jens Müller, Anna Pavlova, Johannes Oldenburg, Bernd Pötzsch

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  • A microRNA signature that correlates with cognition and is a target against cognitive decline.

    EMBO molecular medicine

    Authors: Md Rezaul Islam, Lalit Kaurani, Tea Berulava, Urs Heilbronner, Monika Budde, Tonatiuh Pena Centeno, Vakthang Elerdashvili, Maria-Patapia Zafieriou, Eva Benito, Sinem M Sertel, Maria Goldberg, Fanny Senner, Janos L Kalman, Susanne Burkhardt, Anne Sophie Oepen, Mohammad Sadman Sakib, Cemil Kerimoglu, Oliver Wirths, Heike Bickeböller, Claudia Bartels, Frederic Brosseron, Katharina Buerger, Nicoleta-Carmen Cosma, Klaus Fliessbach, Michael T Heneka, Daniel Janowitz, Ingo Kilimann, Luca Kleinedam, Christoph Laske, Coraline D Metzger, Matthias H Munk, Robert Perneczky, Oliver Peters, Josef Priller, Boris S Rauchmann, Nina Roy, Anja Schneider, Annika Spottke, Eike J Spruth, Stefan Teipel, Maike Tscheuschler, Michael Wagner, Jens Wiltfang, Emrah Düzel, Frank Jessen, Silvio O Rizzoli, Wolfram-Hubertus Zimmermann, Thomas G Schulze, Peter Falkai, Farahnaz Sananbenesi, Andre Fischer

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  • New trends in pharmacological control of neuropsychiatric symptoms of dementia.

    Current opinion in pharmacology

    Authors: Damiana Scuteri, Maria Tiziana Corasaniti, Paolo Tonin, Pierluigi Nicotera, Giacinto Bagetta

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