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  • Bellmunt risk score as a survival predictor in patients with metastatic castration-resistant prostate cancer.

    The Prostate

    Authors: Thomas Büttner, Niklas Klümper, Richard Weiten, Philipp Lossin, Stefan Latz, Carolin Jacobs, Manuel Ritter, Stefan Hauser, Jörg Ellinger, Philipp Krausewitz

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  • The role of compartmentalized β-AR/cAMP signaling in the regulation of lipolysis in white and brown adipocytes.

    The FEBS journal

    Authors: Kirstie A De Jong, Sana Siddig, Alexander Pfeifer, Viacheslav O Nikolaev

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  • Genetic polymorphisms affecting telomere length and their association with cardiovascular disease in the Heinz-Nixdorf-Recall study.

    PloS one

    Authors: Nico Tannemann, Raimund Erbel, Markus M Nöthen, Karl-Heinz Jöckel, Sonali Pechlivanis

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  • Impact of the gut microbiome composition on social decision-making.

    PNAS nexus

    Authors: Marie Falkenstein, Marie-Christine Simon, Aakash Mantri, Bernd Weber, Leonie Koban, Hilke Plassmann

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  • Single-value brain activity scores reflect both severity and risk across the Alzheimer's continuum.

    Brain : a journal of neurology

    Authors: Joram Soch, Anni Richter, Jasmin M Kizilirmak, Hartmut Schütze, Gabriel Ziegler, Slawek Altenstein, Frederic Brosseron, Peter Dechent, Klaus Fliessbach, Silka Dawn Freiesleben, Wenzel Glanz, Daria Gref, Michael T Heneka, Stefan Hetzer, Enise I Incesoy, Ingo Kilimann, Okka Kimmich, Luca Kleineidam, Elizabeth Kuhn, Christoph Laske, Andrea Lohse, Falk Lüsebrink, Matthias H Munk, Oliver Peters, Lukas Preis, Josef Priller, Alfredo Ramirez, Sandra Roeske, Ayda Rostamzadeh, Nina Roy-Kluth, Klaus Scheffler, Matthias Schmid, Anja Schneider, Annika Spottke, Eike Jakob Spruth, Stefan Teipel, Jens Wiltfang, Frank Jessen, Michael Wagner, Emrah Düzel, Björn H Schott

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  • Opposing roles of resident and infiltrating immune cells in the defence against Legionella longbeachae via IL-18R/IFN-γ/ROS axis in mice.

    Mucosal immunology

    Authors: Lara M Oberkircher, Victoria M Scheiding, H Linda Rafeld, Eric Hanssen, Jan N Hansen, Markus J Fleischmann, Nina Kessler, David Pitsch, Dagmar Wachten, Wolfgang Kastenmüller, Andrew S Brown, Elizabeth L Hartland, Ian R van Driel, Garrett Z Ng, Natalio Garbi

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  • The Role of Microsatellite Instability/DNA Mismatch Repair Deficiency and Tumor Mutational Burden as Biomarkers in Predicting Response to Immunotherapy in Castration-resistant Prostate Cancer.

    European urology

    Authors: Niklas Klümper, Viktor Grünwald, Arndt Hartmann, Michael Hölzel, Markus Eckstein

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  • Collider Bias Assessment in Colombian Indigenous Wiwa and Kogui Populations with Chronic Gastroenteric Disorder of Likely Infectious Etiology Suggests Complex Microbial Interactions Rather Than Clear Assignments of Etiological Relevance.


    Authors: Hagen Frickmann, Joy Backhaus, Achim Hoerauf, Ralf Matthias Hagen, Simone Kann

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  • Italian S3-Guideline on the treatment of atopic eczema - First Update, adapted from EuroGuiDerm by the Italian Society of Dermatology and STD (SIDEMAST), the Italian Association of Hospital Dermatologists (ADOI) and the Italian Society of Allergological …

    Italian journal of dermatology and venereology

    Authors: Giuseppe Argenziano, Francesco Cusano, Monica Corazza, Salvatore Amato, Paolo Amerio, Luigi Naldi, Cataldo Patruno, Paolo D Pigatto, Pietro Quaglino, Paolo Gisondi, Andrea Chiricozzi, Francesco Tonon, Luca Stingeni, Piergiacomo Calzavara-Pinton, Andreas Wollenberg, Maria Kinberger, Bernd W Arents, Nora Aszodi, Gabriela L Avila Valle, Sebastien Barbarot, Thomas Bieber, Helen A Brough, Piergiacomo Calzavara-Pinton, Stéphanie Christen-Zäch, Mette Deleuran, Martin Dittmann, Corinna Dressler, Antjie H Fink-Wagner, Nicole Fosse, Krisztián Gáspár, Louise A Gerbens, Uwe Gieler, Giampiero Girolomoni, Stamatios Gregoriou, Charlotte G Mortz, Alexander Nast, Uffe Nygaard, Magali Redding, Eva M Rehbinder, Johannes Ring, Mariateresa Rossi, Esther Serra-Baldrich, Dagmar Simon, Zsuzsanna Z Szalai, Jacek C Szepietowski, Antonio Torrelo, Thomas Werfel, Carsten Flohr

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  • Life on the line - Incidence and management of central venous catheter complications in intestinal failure.

    Clinical nutrition (Edinburgh, Scotland)

    Authors: Franziska Jahns, Annekristin Hausen, Peter Keller, Verena Stolz, Jörg C Kalff, Daniel Kuetting, Martin W von Websky

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