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  • Italian S3-Guideline on the treatment of atopic eczema Part 2: non-systemic treatments and treatment recommendations for special AE patient populations, adapted from EuroGuiDerm by the Italian Society of Dermatology and STD (SIDEMAST), the Italian …

    Italian journal of dermatology and venereology

    Authors: Giuseppe Argenziano, Francesco Cusano, Monica Corazza, Salvatore Amato, Paolo Amerio, Luigi Naldi, Cataldo Patruno, Paolo D Pigatto, Pietro Quaglino, Paolo Gisondi, Andrea Chiricozzi, Francesco Tonon, Luca Stingeni, Piergiacomo Calzavara-Pinton, Andreas Wollenberg, Maria Kinberger, Bernd W Arents, Nora Aszodi, Gabriela L Avila Valle, Sebastien Barbarot, Thomas Bieber, Helen A Brough, Piergiacomo Calzavara-Pinton, Stéphanie Christen-Zäch, Mette Deleuran, Martin Dittmann, Corinna Dressler, Antjie H Fink-Wagner, Nicole Fosse, Krisztián Gáspár, Louise A Gerbens, Uwe Gieler, Giampiero Girolomoni, Stamatios Gregoriou, Charlotte G Mortz, Alexander Nast, Uffe Nygaard, Magali Redding, Eva M Rehbinder, Johannes Ring, Mariateresa Rossi, Esther Serra-Baldrich, Dagmar Simon, Zsuzsanna Z Szalai, Jacek C Szepietowski, Antonio Torrelo, Thomas Werfel, Carsten Flohr

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  • Italian S3-Guideline on the treatment of Atopic Eczema - Part 1: Systemic therapy, adapted from EuroGuiDerm by the Italian Society of Dermatology and STD (SIDEMAST), the Italian Association of Hospital Dermatologists (ADOI) and the Italian Society of …

    Italian journal of dermatology and venereology

    Authors: Giuseppe Argenziano, Francesco Cusano, Monica Corazza, Salvatore Amato, Paolo Amerio, Luigi Naldi, Cataldo Patruno, Paolo D Pigatto, Pietro Quaglino, Paolo Gisondi, Andrea Chiricozzi, Francesco Tonon, Luca Stingeni, Piergiacomo Calzavara-Pinton, Andreas Wollenberg, Maria Kinberger, Bernd W Arents, Nora Aszodi, Gabriela L Avila Valle, Sebastien Barbarot, Thomas Bieber, Helen A Brough, Piergiacomo Calzavara-Pinton, Stéphanie Christen-Zäch, Mette Deleuran, Martin Dittmann, Corinna Dressler, Antjie H Fink-Wagner, Nicole Fosse, Krisztián Gáspár, Louise A Gerbens, Uwe Gieler, Giampiero Girolomoni, Stamatios Gregoriou, Charlotte G Mortz, Alexander Nast, Uffe Nygaard, Magali Redding, Eva M Rehbinder, Johannes Ring, Mariateresa Rossi, Esther Serra-Baldrich, Dagmar Simon, Zsuzsanna Z Szalai, Jacek C Szepietowski, Antonio Torrelo, Thomas Werfel, Carsten Flohr

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  • Sulfonylureas exert antidiabetic action on adipocytes by inhibition of PPARγ serine 273 phosphorylation.

    Molecular metabolism

    Authors: Bodo Haas, Moritz David Sebastian Hass, Alexander Voltz, Matthias Vogel, Julia Walther, Arijit Biswas, Daniela Hass, Alexander Pfeifer

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  • Real-world 1-Year Results of Tricuspid Edge-to-Edge Repair from the bRIGHT Study.

    Journal of the American College of Cardiology

    Authors: Philipp Lurz, Karl-Philipp Rommel, Thomas Schmitz, Raffi Bekeredjian, Georg Nickenig, Helge Möllmann, Ralph Stephan von Bardeleben, Alexander Schmeisser, Iskandar Atmowihardjo, Rodrigo Estevez-Loureiro, Edith Lubos, Megan Heitkemper, Kelli Peterman, Harald Lapp, Erwan Donal

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  • Life on the line - Incidence and management of central venous catheter complications in intestinal failure.

    Clinical nutrition (Edinburgh, Scotland)

    Authors: Franziska Jahns, Annekristin Hausen, Peter Keller, Verena Stolz, Jörg C Kalff, Daniel Kuetting, Martin W von Websky

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  • Next-generation phenotyping in Nigerian children with Cornelia de Lange syndrome.

    American journal of medical genetics. Part A

    Authors: Annabelle Arlt, Alexej Knaus, Tzung-Chien Hsieh, Hannah Klinkhammer, Meghna Ahuja Bhasin, Alexander Hustinx, Shahida Moosa, Peter Krawitz, Ekanem Ekure

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  • Active infection with Onchocerca volvulus and the linkage to epilepsy/nodding syndrome.

    PLoS neglected tropical diseases

    Authors: Kathrin Arndts, Josua Kegele, Manuel Ritter, Clarissa Prazeres da Costa, Achim Hoerauf, Andrea S Winkler

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  • Exploring the relationship between HCMV serostatus and outcomes in COVID-19 sepsis.

    Frontiers in immunology

    Authors: Dominik Ziehe, Alexander Wolf, Tim Rahmel, Hartmuth Nowak, Helge Haberl, Lars Bergmann, Katharina Rump, Birte Dyck, Lars Palmowski, Britta Marko, Andrea Witowski, Katrin Maria Willemsen, Stephanie Pfaender, Martin Eisenacher, Moritz Anft, Nina Babel, Thilo Bracht, Barbara Sitek, Malte Bayer, Alexander Zarbock, Thilo von Groote, Christian Putensen, Stefan Felix Ehrentraut, Christina Weisheit, Michael Adamzik, Matthias Unterberg, Björn Koos

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  • HIV immunological non-responders are characterized by extensive immunosenescence and impaired lymphocyte cytokine production capacity.

    Frontiers in immunology

    Authors: Wilhelm A J W Vos, Adriana Navas, Elise M G Meeder, Marc J T Blaauw, Albert L Groenendijk, Louise E van Eekeren, Twan Otten, Nadira Vadaq, Vasiliki Matzaraki, Bram van Cranenbroek, Kees Brinkman, Jan van Lunzen, Leo A B Joosten, Mihai G Netea, Willem L Blok, Andre J A M van der Ven, Hans J P M Koenen, Janneke E Stalenhoef

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  • Liver Steatosis is Prevalent in Lean People With HIV and Associated With Exposure to Antiretroviral Treatment-A Cross-sectional Study.

    Open forum infectious diseases

    Authors: Louise E van Eekeren, Nadira Vadaq, Wilhelm A J W Vos, Marc J T Blaauw, Albert L Groenendijk, Jan van Lunzen, Janneke E Stalenhoef, Marvin A H Berrevoets, Annelies Verbon, Gert Weijers, Mihai G Netea, André J A M van der Ven, Quirijn de Mast, Leo A B Joosten, Eric T T L Tjwa

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