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  • PEtab-Interoperable specification of parameter estimation problems in systems biology.

    PLoS computational biology

    Authors: Leonard Schmiester, Yannik Schälte, Frank T Bergmann, Tacio Camba, Erika Dudkin, Janine Egert, Fabian Fröhlich, Lara Fuhrmann, Adrian L Hauber, Svenja Kemmer, Polina Lakrisenko, Carolin Loos, Simon Merkt, Wolfgang Müller, Dilan Pathirana, Elba Raimúndez, Lukas Refisch, Marcus Rosenblatt, Paul L Stapor, Philipp Städter, Dantong Wang, Franz-Georg Wieland, Julio R Banga, Jens Timmer, Alejandro F Villaverde, Sven Sahle, Clemens Kreutz, Jan Hasenauer, Daniel Weindl

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  • Transcatheter Edge-to-Edge Repair for Treatment of Tricuspid Regurgitation.

    Journal of the American College of Cardiology

    Authors: Philipp Lurz, Ralph Stephan von Bardeleben, Marcel Weber, Marta Sitges, Paul Sorajja, Jörg Hausleiter, Paolo Denti, Jean-Noël Trochu, Michael Nabauer, Gilbert H L Tang, Patric Biaggi, Shih-Wa Ying, Phillip M Trusty, Abdellaziz Dahou, Rebecca T Hahn, Georg Nickenig

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  • Improving quality of life in pancreatic cancer patients following high-intensity focused ultrasound (HIFU) in two European centers.

    European radiology

    Authors: Milka Marinova, Hyuliya Feradova, Maria A Gonzalez-Carmona, Rupert Conrad, Tolga Tonguc, Marcus Thudium, Marc U Becher, Zhou Kun, Grigor Gorchev, Slavcho Tomov, Christian P Strassburg, Ulrike Attenberger, Hans H Schild, Dobromir Dimitrov, Holger M Strunk

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  • Vascular pathologies in chronic kidney disease: pathophysiological mechanisms and novel therapeutic approaches.

    Journal of molecular medicine (Berlin, Germany)

    Authors: Philip Düsing, Andreas Zietzer, Philip Roger Goody, Mohammed Rabiul Hosen, Christian Kurts, Georg Nickenig, Felix Jansen

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  • Performance of the COVID19SEROSpeed IgM/IgG Rapid Test, an Immunochromatographic Assay for the Diagnosis of SARS-CoV-2 Infection: a Multicenter European Study.

    Journal of clinical microbiology

    Authors: Mario Plebani, Marijo Parčina, Issam Bechri, Gianguglielmo Zehender, Vedrana Terkeš, Balqis Abdel Hafith, Spinello Antinori, Sylvie Pillet, Sylvie Gonzalo, Achim Hoerauf, Alessia Lai, Miro Morović, Thomas Bourlet, Alessandro Torre, Bruno Pozzetto, Massimo Galli

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  • Decreased turnover of the CNS myelin protein Opalin in a mouse model of hereditary spastic paraplegia 35.

    Human molecular genetics

    Authors: Robert Hardt, Silvia Jordans, Dominic Winter, Volkmar Gieselmann, Lihua Wang-Eckhardt, Matthias Eckhardt

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  • Two-dimensional shear wave elastography predicts survival in advanced chronic liver disease.


    Authors: Jonel Trebicka, Wenyi Gu, Victor de Ledinghen, Christophe Aubé, Aleksander Krag, Michael Praktiknjo, Laurent Castera, Jerome Dumortier, David Josef Maria Bauer, Mireen Friedrich-Rust, Stanislas Pol, Ivica Grgurevic, Rongqin Zheng, Sven Francque, Halima Gottfriedovà, Sanda Mustapic, Ioan Sporea, Annalisa Berzigotti, Frank Erhard Uschner, Benedikt Simbrunner, Maxime Ronot, Christophe Cassinotto, Maria Kjaergaard, Filipe Andrade, Martin Schulz, Georg Semmler, Ida Tjesic Drinkovic, Johannes Chang, Maximilian Joseph Brol, Pierre Emmanuel Rautou, Thomas Vanwolleghem, Christian P Strassburg, Jerome Boursier, Philip Georg Ferstl, Ditlev Nytoft Rasmussen, Thomas Reiberger, Valerie Vilgrain, Aymeric Guibal, Olivier Guillaud, Stefan Zeuzem, Camille Vassord, Xue Lu, Luisa Vonghia, Renata Senkerikova, Alina Popescu, Cristina Margini, Wenping Wang, Maja Thiele, Chrisitan Jansen

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  • Examining the Hand in the Video Consultation.

    Zeitschrift fur Orthopadie und Unfallchirurgie

    Authors: Kristian Welle, Stefan Täger, Roslind Karolina Hackenberg, Alexander Markowetz, Frank Alexander Schildberg, Christof Burger, Dieter Christian Wirtz, Tom Jansen, Koroush Kabir

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  • Postinfectious Epigenetic Immune Modifications - A Double-Edged Sword.

    The New England journal of medicine

    Authors: Andrew R DiNardo, Mihai G Netea, Daniel M Musher

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  • A Functional MRI Paradigm for Efficient Mapping of Memory Encoding Across Sensory Conditions.

    Frontiers in human neuroscience

    Authors: Meta M Boenniger, Kersten Diers, Sibylle C Herholz, Mohammad Shahid, Tony Stöcker, Monique M B Breteler, Willem Huijbers

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