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  • Infection fatality rate of SARS-CoV2 in a super-spreading event in Germany.

    Nature communications

    Authors: Hendrik Streeck, Bianca Schulte, Beate M Kümmerer, Enrico Richter, Tobias Höller, Christine Fuhrmann, Eva Bartok, Ramona Dolscheid-Pommerich, Moritz Berger, Lukas Wessendorf, Monika Eschbach-Bludau, Angelika Kellings, Astrid Schwaiger, Martin Coenen, Per Hoffmann, Birgit Stoffel-Wagner, Markus M Nöthen, Anna M Eis-Hübinger, Martin Exner, Ricarda Maria Schmithausen, Matthias Schmid, Gunther Hartmann

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  • CTLA4 promoter methylation predicts response and progression-free survival in stage IV melanoma treated with anti-CTLA-4 immunotherapy (ipilimumab).

    Cancer immunology, immunotherapy : CII

    Authors: Simon Fietz, Romina Zarbl, Dennis Niebel, Christian Posch, Peter Brossart, Gerrit H Gielen, Sebastian Strieth, Torsten Pietsch, Glen Kristiansen, Friedrich Bootz, Jennifer Landsberg, Dimo Dietrich

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  • Heterotrimeric G Protein Subunit Gαq Is a Master Switch for Gβγ-Mediated Calcium Mobilization by Gi-Coupled GPCRs.

    Molecular cell

    Authors: Eva Marie Pfeil, Julian Brands, Nicole Merten, Timo Vögtle, Maddalena Vescovo, Ulrike Rick, Ina-Maria Albrecht, Nina Heycke, Kouki Kawakami, Yuki Ono, Francois Marie Ngako Kadji, Suzune Hiratsuka, Junken Aoki, Felix Häberlein, Michaela Matthey, Jaspal Garg, Stephanie Hennen, Marie-Lise Jobin, Kerstin Seier, Davide Calebiro, Alexander Pfeifer, Akos Heinemann, Daniela Wenzel, Gabriele M König, Bernhard Nieswandt, Bernd K Fleischmann, Asuka Inoue, Katharina Simon, Evi Kostenis

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  • Analogous modulation of inflammatory responses by the endocannabinoid system in periodontal ligament cells and microglia.

    Head & face medicine

    Authors: Andreas Jäger, Maria Setiawan, Eva Beins, Ingo Schmidt-Wolf, Anna Konermann

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  • Extended Half-Life Factor VIII/Factor IX Products: Assay Discrepancies and Implications for Hemophilia Management.


    Authors: Jens Müller, Georg Goldmann, Natascha Marquardt, Bernd Pötzsch, Johannes Oldenburg

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  • Molecular Profiling of Liver Sinusoidal Endothelial Cells in Comparison to Hepatocytes: Reflection on Which Cell Type Should Be the Target for Gene Therapy.


    Authors: Osman El-Maarri, Muhammad Ahmer Jamil, Johannes Oldenburg

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  • Induction of cytotoxic effector cells towards cholangiocellular, pancreatic, and colorectal tumor cells by activation of the immune checkpoint CD40/CD40L on dendritic cells.

    Cancer immunology, immunotherapy : CII

    Authors: Farsaneh Sadeghlar, Annabelle Vogt, Raphael U Mohr, Robert Mahn, Katrin van Beekum, Miroslaw Kornek, Tobias J Weismüller, Vittorio Branchi, Hanno Matthaei, Marieta Toma, I G H Schmidt-Wolf, Jörg C Kalff, Christian P Strassburg, Maria A González-Carmona

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  • Intestinal Dysbiosis Amplifies Acetaminophen-Induced Acute Liver Injury.

    Cellular and molecular gastroenterology and hepatology

    Authors: Kai Markus Schneider, Carsten Elfers, Ahmed Ghallab, Carolin Victoria Schneider, Eric J C Galvez, Antje Mohs, Wenfang Gui, Lena Susanna Candels, Theresa Hildegard Wirtz, Sebastian Zuehlke, Michael Spiteller, Maiju Myllys, Alain Roulet, Amirouche Ouzerdine, Benjamin Lelouvier, Konrad Kilic, Lijun Liao, Anika Nier, Eicke Latz, Ina Bergheim, Christoph A Thaiss, Jan G Hengstler, Till Strowig, Christian Trautwein

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  • Morbidity management and surveillance of lymphatic filariasis disease and acute dermatolymphangioadenitis attacks using a mobile phone-based tool by community health volunteers in Ghana.

    PLoS neglected tropical diseases

    Authors: Linda Batsa Debrah, Aliyu Mohammed, Jubin Osei-Mensah, Yusif Mubarik, Olivia Agbenyega, Nana Kwame Ayisi-Boateng, Kenneth Pfarr, Janina Melanie Kuehlwein, Ute Klarmann-Schulz, Achim Hoerauf, Alexander Yaw Debrah

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  • Cerebrospinal fluid IL-1β is elevated in tuberculous meningitis patients but not associated with mortality.

    Tuberculosis (Edinburgh, Scotland)

    Authors: Valerie A C M Koeken, Ahmad R Ganiem, Sofiati Dian, Rovina Ruslami, Lidya Chaidir, Mihai G Netea, Vinod Kumar, Bachti Alisjahbana, Reinout van Crevel, Arjan van Laarhoven

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