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  • Downstream neighbor of SON (DONSON) is associated with unfavorable survival across diverse cancers with oncogenic properties in clear cell renal cell carcinoma.

    Translational oncology

    Authors: Niklas Klümper, Iulia Blajan, Doris Schmidt, Glen Kristiansen, Marieta Toma, Michael Hölzel, Manuel Ritter, Jörg Ellinger

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  • Metabolic Age Based on the BBMRI-NL H-NMR Metabolomics Repository as Biomarker of Age-related Disease.

    Circulation. Genomic and precision medicine

    Authors: Erik B van den Akker, Stella Trompet, Jurriaan J H Barkey Wolf, Marian Beekman, H Eka D Suchiman, Joris Deelen, Folkert W Asselbergs, Eric Boersma, Davy Cats, Petra M Elders, J Marianne Geleijnse, M Arfan Ikram, Margreet Kloppenburg, Haillang Mei, Ingrid Meulenbelt, Simon P Mooijaart, Rob G H H Nelissen, Mihai G Netea, Brenda W J H Penninx, Mariska Slofstra, Coen D A Stehouwer, Morris A Swertz, Charlotte E Teunissen, Gisela M Terwindt, Leen M 't Hart, Arn M J M van den Maagdenberg, Pim van der Harst, Iwan C C van der Horst, Carla J H van der Kallen, Marleen M J van Greevenbroek, W Erwin van Spil, Cisca Wijmenga, Alexandra Zhernakova, Aeilko H Zwinderman, Naveed Sattar, J Wouter Jukema, Cornelia M van Duijn, Dorret I Boomsma, Marcel J T Reinders, P Eline Slagboom

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  • Associations of BMI and Body Fat with Urine Metabolome in Adolescents Are Sex-Specific: A Cross-Sectional Study.


    Authors: Christian Brachem, Julia Langenau, Leonie Weinhold, Matthias Schmid, Ute Nöthlings, Kolade Oluwagbemigun

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  • Stable and safe organ procurement and transplantation during SARS-CoV-2 pandemic in Germany.

    Transplant international : official journal of the European Society for Organ Transplantation

    Authors: Christian Hugo, Christian Strassburg, Melanie Stecher, Axel Rahmel

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  • Challenge With Cardiac Cables.

    JACC. Cardiovascular interventions

    Authors: Can Öztürk, Johanna Vogelhuber, Georg Nickenig

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  • Cfap97d1 is important for flagellar axoneme maintenance and male mouse fertility.

    PLoS genetics

    Authors: Seiya Oura, Samina Kazi, Audrey Savolainen, Kaori Nozawa, Julio Castañeda, Zhifeng Yu, Haruhiko Miyata, Ryan M Matzuk, Jan N Hansen, Dagmar Wachten, Martin M Matzuk, Renata Prunskaite-Hyyryläinen

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  • Sodium Fluctuations in Astroglia and Their Potential Impact on Astrocyte Function.

    Frontiers in physiology

    Authors: Lisa Felix, Andrea Delekate, Gabor C Petzold, Christine R Rose

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  • Gut microbial co-abundance networks show specificity in inflammatory bowel disease and obesity.

    Nature communications

    Authors: Lianmin Chen, Valerie Collij, Martin Jaeger, Inge C L van den Munckhof, Arnau Vich Vila, Alexander Kurilshikov, Ranko Gacesa, Trishla Sinha, Marije Oosting, Leo A B Joosten, Joost H W Rutten, Niels P Riksen, Ramnik J Xavier, Folkert Kuipers, Cisca Wijmenga, Alexandra Zhernakova, Mihai G Netea, Rinse K Weersma, Jingyuan Fu

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  • Vitiligo-like depigmentation subsequent to subacute cutaneous lupus erythematosus and hydroxychloroquine treatment.

    Journal der Deutschen Dermatologischen Gesellschaft = Journal of the German Society of Dermatology : JDDG

    Authors: Dennis Niebel, Christine Braegelmann, Thomas Bieber, Joerg Wenzel

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  • How the COVID-19 pandemic highlights the necessity of animal research.

    Current biology : CB

    Authors: Lisa Genzel, Roger Adan, Anton Berns, Jeroen J J P van den Beucken, Arjan Blokland, Erik H W G M Boddeke, Willy M Bogers, Ronald Bontrop, R Bulthuis, Teun Bousema, Hans Clevers, Tineke C J J Coenen, Anne-Marie van Dam, Peter M T Deen, K W van Dijk, Bart J L Eggen, Ype Elgersma, Izel Erdogan, Bernhard Englitz, J Martje Fentener van Vlissingen, Susanne la Fleur, Ron Fouchier, Carlos P Fitzsimons, Wilbert Frieling, Bart Haagmans, Balthasar A Heesters, Marloes J A G Henckens, Sander Herfst, Elly Hol, Daniel van den Hove, Marien I de Jonge, Jos Jonkers, Leo A B Joosten, Andries Kalsbeek, Maarten Kamermans, Harm H Kampinga, Martien J Kas, J Aap Keijer, Sander Kersten, Amanda J Kiliaan, Taco W A Kooij, Sander Kooijman, Werner J H Koopman, Aniko Korosi, Harm J Krugers, Thijs Kuiken, Steven A Kushner, Jan A M Langermans, Heidi M B Lesscher, Paul J Lucassen, Esther Lutgens, Mihai G Netea, Lucas P J J Noldus, Jos W M van der Meer, Frank J Meye, Joram D Mul, Kees van Oers, Jocelien D A Olivier, R Jeroen Pasterkamp, Ingrid H C H M Philippens, Jos Prickaerts, B J A Pollux, Patrick C N Rensen, Jacco van Rheenen, Ronald P van Rij, Laila Ritsma, Barry H G Rockx, Benno Roozendaal, Evert M van Schothorst, K Stittelaar, Norbert Stockhofe, Dick F Swaab, Rik L de Swart, Louk J M J Vanderschuren, Taco J de Vries, Femke de Vrij, Richard van Wezel, Corette J Wierenga, Maximilian Wiesmann, Ingo Willuhn, Chris I de Zeeuw, Judith R Homberg

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