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  • Outcomes in children with hemophilia A with inhibitors: Results from a noninterventional study.

    Pediatric blood & cancer

    Authors: Johannes Oldenburg, Midori Shima, Rebecca Kruse-Jarres, Elena Santagostino, Johnny Mahlangu, Michaela Lehle, Nives Selak Bienz, Sammy Chebon, Elina Asikanius, Peter Trask, Maria Elisa Mancuso, Victor Jiménez-Yuste, Sylvia von Mackensen, Gallia G Levy

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  • Strong immunity against COVID-19 in the early two years of age links to frequent immunization of routine vaccines.

    Science bulletin

    Authors: Li Qiu, Chengdong Zhang, Junbo Wu, Jie Luo, Mihai G Netea, Zhiguo Luo, Qibin Leng

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  • APRIL expression is upregulated in atopic dermatitis skin lesions and at sites of antigen driven allergic skin inflammation in mice.

    Clinical immunology (Orlando, Fla.)

    Authors: Juan Manuel Leyva-Castillo, Haifa H Jabara, Joerg Wenzel, Alex McGurk, Daniel Wong, Thomas Bieber, Raif S Geha

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  • Pathogen-induced tissue-resident memory T17 (T17) cells amplify autoimmune kidney disease.

    Science immunology

    Authors: Christian F Krebs, Daniel Reimers, Yu Zhao, Hans-Joachim Paust, Patricia Bartsch, Sarah Nuñez, Mariana V Rosemblatt, Malte Hellmig, Christoph Kilian, Alina Borchers, Leon U B Enk, Michael Zinke, Martina Becker, Joanna Schmid, Stefanie Klinge, Milagros N Wong, Victor G Puelles, Constantin Schmidt, Tabea Bertram, Natascha Stumpf, Elion Hoxha, Catherine Meyer-Schwesinger, Maja T Lindenmeyer, Clemens D Cohen, Michael Rink, Christian Kurts, Sören Franzenburg, Friedrich Koch-Nolte, Jan-Eric Turner, Jan-Hendrik Riedel, Samuel Huber, Nicola Gagliani, Tobias B Huber, Thorsten Wiech, Holger Rohde, Maria Rosa Bono, Stefan Bonn, Ulf Panzer, Hans-Willi Mittrücker

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  • Influence of Sonographic Fetal Weight Estimation Inaccuracies in Macrosomia on Perinatal Outcome.

    Ultraschall in der Medizin (Stuttgart, Germany : 1980)

    Authors: Jutta Pretscher, Sven Kehl, Patrick Stelzl, Florian Matthias Stumpfe, Andreas Mayr, Matthias Schmid, Christian Staerk, Ralf Schild, Matthias W Beckmann, Florian Faschingbauer

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  • Polygenic risk for schizophrenia and schizotypal traits in non-clinical subjects.

    Psychological medicine

    Authors: Igor Nenadić, Tina Meller, Simon Schmitt, Frederike Stein, Katharina Brosch, Johannes Mosebach, Ulrich Ettinger, Phillip Grant, Susanne Meinert, Nils Opel, Hannah Lemke, Stella Fingas, Katharina Förster, Tim Hahn, Andreas Jansen, Till F M Andlauer, Andreas J Forstner, Stefanie Heilmann-Heimbach, Alisha S M Hall, Swapnil Awasthi, Stephan Ripke, Stephanie H Witt, Marcella Rietschel, Bertram Müller-Myhsok, Markus M Nöthen, Udo Dannlowski, Axel Krug, Fabian Streit, Tilo Kircher

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  • Erratum: Auswirkung einer langfristigen, fettreichen und cholesterinreichen Ernährung auf murine Wirbelknochen

    Zeitschrift fur Orthopadie und Unfallchirurgie

    Authors: Jessica Bojko, Mona Khoury, Werner Masson, Anna Weber, Cäcilia Hilgers, Christoph Bourauel, Martin Steinmetz, Kristian Welle, Frank Alexander Schildberg, Koroush Kabir

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  • Zuo1 supports G4 structure formation and directs repair toward nucleotide excision repair.

    Nature communications

    Authors: Alessio De Magis, Silvia Götz, Mona Hajikazemi, Enikő Fekete-Szücs, Marco Caterino, Stefan Juranek, Katrin Paeschke

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  • Nuclear PYHIN proteins target the host transcription factor Sp1 thereby restricting HIV-1 in human macrophages and CD4+ T cells.

    PLoS pathogens

    Authors: Matteo Bosso, Caterina Prelli Bozzo, Dominik Hotter, Meta Volcic, Christina M Stürzel, Annika Rammelt, Yi Ni, Stephan Urban, Miriam Becker, Mario Schelhaas, Sabine Wittmann, Maria H Christensen, Florian I Schmidt, Thomas Gramberg, Konstantin M J Sparrer, Daniel Sauter, Frank Kirchhoff

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  • Severe COVID-19 Is Marked by a Dysregulated Myeloid Cell Compartment.


    Authors: Jonas Schulte-Schrepping, Nico Reusch, Daniela Paclik, Kevin Baßler, Stephan Schlickeiser, Bowen Zhang, Benjamin Krämer, Tobias Krammer, Sophia Brumhard, Lorenzo Bonaguro, Elena De Domenico, Daniel Wendisch, Martin Grasshoff, Theodore S Kapellos, Michael Beckstette, Tal Pecht, Adem Saglam, Oliver Dietrich, Henrik E Mei, Axel R Schulz, Claudia Conrad, Désirée Kunkel, Ehsan Vafadarnejad, Cheng-Jian Xu, Arik Horne, Miriam Herbert, Anna Drews, Charlotte Thibeault, Moritz Pfeiffer, Stefan Hippenstiel, Andreas Hocke, Holger Müller-Redetzky, Katrin-Moira Heim, Felix Machleidt, Alexander Uhrig, Laure Bosquillon de Jarcy, Linda Jürgens, Miriam Stegemann, Christoph R Glösenkamp, Hans-Dieter Volk, Christine Goffinet, Markus Landthaler, Emanuel Wyler, Philipp Georg, Maria Schneider, Chantip Dang-Heine, Nick Neuwinger, Kai Kappert, Rudolf Tauber, Victor Corman, Jan Raabe, Kim Melanie Kaiser, Michael To Vinh, Gereon Rieke, Christian Meisel, Thomas Ulas, Matthias Becker, Robert Geffers, Martin Witzenrath, Christian Drosten, Norbert Suttorp, Christof von Kalle, Florian Kurth, Kristian Händler, Joachim L Schultze, Anna C Aschenbrenner, Yang Li, Jacob Nattermann, Birgit Sawitzki, Antoine-Emmanuel Saliba, Leif Erik Sander

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