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  • Image Morphing in Deep Feature Spaces: Theory and Applications.

    Journal of mathematical imaging and vision

    Authors: Alexander Effland, Erich Kobler, Thomas Pock, Marko Rajković, Martin Rumpf

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  • Clinical study protocol for a low-interventional study in intermediate age-related macular degeneration developing novel clinical endpoints for interventional clinical trials with a regulatory and patient access intention-MACUSTAR.


    Authors: Jan H Terheyden, Frank G Holz, Steffen Schmitz-Valckenberg, Anna Lüning, Matthias Schmid, Gary S Rubin, Hannah Dunbar, Adnan Tufail, David P Crabb, Alison Binns, Clara I Sánchez, Carel Hoyng, Philippe Margaron, Nadia Zakaria, Mary Durbin, Ulrich Luhmann, Parisa Zamiri, José Cunha-Vaz, Cecília Martinho, Sergio Leal, Robert P Finger

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  • Blocking IL-1 to prevent respiratory failure in COVID-19.

    Critical care (London, England)

    Authors: Frank L van de Veerdonk, Mihai G Netea

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  • Staged clasping with PASCAL device for mitral regurgitation with leaflet laceration.

    EuroIntervention : journal of EuroPCR in collaboration with the Working Group on Interventional Cardiology of the European Society of Cardiology

    Authors: Atsushi Sugiura, Can Öztürk, Jan-Malte Sinning, Georg Nickenig

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  • A Weakened Immune Response to Synthetic Exo-Peptides Predicts a Potential Biosecurity Risk in the Retrieval of Exo-Microorganisms.


    Authors: Katja Schaefer, Ivy M Dambuza, Sergio Dall'Angelo, Raif Yuecel, Marcel Jaspars, Laurent Trembleau, Matteo Zanda, Gordon D Brown, Mihai G Netea, Neil A R Gow

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  • Radial artery occlusion after cardiac catheterization and impact of medical treatment.

    VASA. Zeitschrift fur Gefasskrankheiten

    Authors: Martin Steinmetz, Tobias Radecke, Tomasz Boss, Max J Stumpf, Julia Lortz, Georg Nickenig, Alexander Kania, Tienush Rassaf, Christos Rammos, Christian Alexander Schaefer

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  • Trained immunity as a molecular mechanism for BCG immunotherapy in bladder cancer.

    Nature reviews. Urology

    Authors: Jelmer H van Puffelen, Samuel T Keating, Egbert Oosterwijk, Antoine G van der Heijden, Mihai G Netea, Leo A B Joosten, Sita H Vermeulen

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  • The coffee ingredients caffeic acid and caffeic acid phenylethyl ester protect against irinotecan-induced leukopenia and oxidative stress response.

    British journal of pharmacology

    Authors: Sandra Kalthoff, Stefan Paulusch, Alexander Rupp, Stefan Holdenrieder, Gunther Hartmann, Christian P Strassburg

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  • Influenza A virus NS1 optimises virus infectivity by enhancing genome packaging in a dsRNA-binding dependent manner.

    Virology journal

    Authors: Tim Wai Sha, Michaela Weber, Dacquin M Kasumba, Takeshi Noda, Masahiro Nakano, Hiroki Kato, Takashi Fujita

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  • Closing the gap between formats for storing layout information in systems biology.

    Briefings in bioinformatics

    Authors: David Hoksza, Piotr Gawron, Marek Ostaszewski, Jan Hasenauer, Reinhard Schneider

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