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  • BCG-Induced Trained Immunity in Healthy Individuals: The Effect of Plasma Muramyl Dipeptide Concentrations.

    Journal of immunology research

    Authors: Vera P Mourits, Valerie A C M Koeken, L Charlotte J de Bree, Simone J C F M Moorlag, Wern Cui Chu, Xiaoli Xu, Helga Dijkstra, Heidi Lemmers, Leo A B Joosten, Yue Wang, Reinout van Crevel, Mihai G Netea

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  • Deconvolution of bulk blood eQTL effects into immune cell subpopulations.

    BMC bioinformatics

    Authors: Raúl Aguirre-Gamboa, Niek de Klein, Jennifer di Tommaso, Annique Claringbould, Monique Gp van der Wijst, Dylan de Vries, Harm Brugge, Roy Oelen, Urmo Võsa, Maria M Zorro, Xiaojin Chu, Olivier B Bakker, Zuzanna Borek, Isis Ricaño-Ponce, Patrick Deelen, Cheng-Jiang Xu, Morris Swertz, Iris Jonkers, Sebo Withoff, Irma Joosten, Serena Sanna, Vinod Kumar, Hans J P M Koenen, Leo A B Joosten, Mihai G Netea, Cisca Wijmenga, Lude Franke, Yang Li

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  • The effect of BCG vaccination on alveolar macrophages obtained from induced sputum from healthy volunteers.


    Authors: Valerie A C M Koeken, Eva S van der Pasch, Guus P Leijte, Vera P Mourits, L Charlotte J de Bree, Simone J C F M Moorlag, Isadore Budnick, Nina Idh, Maria Lerm, Matthijs Kox, Arjan van Laarhoven, Mihai G Netea, Reinout van Crevel

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  • Aortic Valve Deformation During Transcatheter Mitral Valve Replacement.

    JACC. Cardiovascular interventions

    Authors: Atsushi Sugiura, Marcel Weber, Hendrik Treede, Georg Nickenig

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  • Hematologist-Level Classification of Mature B-Cell Neoplasm Using Deep Learning on Multiparameter Flow Cytometry Data.

    Cytometry. Part A : the journal of the International Society for Analytical Cytology

    Authors: Max Zhao, Nanditha Mallesh, Alexander Höllein, Richard Schabath, Claudia Haferlach, Torsten Haferlach, Franz Elsner, Hannes Lüling, Peter Krawitz, Wolfgang Kern

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  • MicroRNAs As Master Regulators of Atherosclerosis: From Pathogenesis to Novel Therapeutic Options.

    Antioxidants & redox signaling

    Authors: Mohammed Rabiul Hosen, Philip Roger Goody, Andreas Zietzer, Georg Nickenig, Felix Jansen

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  • Spatiotemporal proteomics uncovers cathepsin-dependent macrophage cell death during Salmonella infection.

    Nature microbiology

    Authors: Joel Selkrig, Nan Li, Annika Hausmann, Matthew S J Mangan, Matylda Zietek, André Mateus, Jacob Bobonis, Anna Sueki, Haruna Imamura, Bachir El Debs, Gianluca Sigismondo, Bogdan I Florea, Herman S Overkleeft, Nataša Kopitar-Jerala, Boris Turk, Pedro Beltrao, Mikhail M Savitski, Eicke Latz, Wolf-Dietrich Hardt, Jeroen Krijgsveld, Athanasios Typas

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  • Publication categories: Top publication

    Memory trace interference impairs recall in a mouse model of Alzheimer's disease.

    Nature neuroscience

    Authors: Stefanie Poll, Manuel Mittag, Fabrizio Musacchio, Lena C Justus, Eleonora Ambrad Giovannetti, Julia Steffen, Jens Wagner, Lioba Zohren, Susanne Schoch, Boris Schmidt, Walker S Jackson, Dan Ehninger, Martin Fuhrmann

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  • A prospective, multicentre study in acute non-cirrhotic, non-malignant portal vein thrombosis: comparison of medical and interventional treatment.

    Alimentary pharmacology & therapeutics

    Authors: Martin Rössle, Dominik Bettinger, Jonel Trebicka, Christoph Klinger, Michael Praktiknjo, Lukas Sturm, Karel Caca, Victoria Therese Mücke, Klaus Radecke, Cornelius Engelmann, Alexander Zipprich, Hauke Heinzow, Carsten Meyer, Ulrich Tappe, Beate Appenrodt, Arthur Schmidt, Christian Lange, Christian Strassburg, Stefan Zeuzem, Daniel Grandt, Hartmut Schmidt, Joachim Moessner, Thomas Berg, Frank Lammert, Robert Thimme, Michael Schultheiß

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  • Beneficial "Pharmaceutical Pleiotropy" of Gabapentinoids in Spinal Cord Injury: A Case for Refining Standard-of-Care.

    Neurorehabilitation and neural repair

    Authors: Jacquelyn J Cragg, Catherine R Jutzeler, Lukas Grassner, Matt Ramer, Frank Bradke, John L K Kramer

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