A continuous responder algorithm to optimize clinical management of small-cell lung cancer with progastrin-releasing peptide as a simple blood test.
Tumour biology : the journal of the International Society for Oncodevelopmental Biology and Medicine
Thomas Muley, Xiaotong Zhang, Stefan Holdenrieder, Catharina M Korse, Xiu-Yi Zhi, Rafael Molina, Zhongjuan Liu, Gunther Hartmann, Michel M van den Heuvel, Kun Qian, Ramon Marrades, Christine Engel, Ying He, Birgit Wehnl, Farshid Dayyani, Felix Herth
Enhanced lipid biosynthesis in human tumor-induced macrophages contributes to their protumoral characteristics.
Journal for immunotherapy of cancer
Katrin Rabold, Anna Aschenbrenner, Christoph Thiele, Collins K Boahen, Alexander Schiltmans, Johannes W A Smit, Joachim L Schultze, Mihai G Netea, Gosse J Adema, Romana T Netea-Maier
Publisher Correction: Tumor-necrosis factor impairs CD4 T cell-mediated immunological control in chronic viral infection.
Nature immunology
Marc Beyer, Zeinab Abdullah, Jens M Chemnitz, Daniela Maisel, Jil Sander, Clara Lehmann, Yasser Thabet, Prashant V Shinde, Lisa Schmidleithner, Maren Köhne, Jonel Trebicka, Robert Schierwagen, Andrea Hofmann, Alexey Popov, Karl S Lang, Annette Oxenius, Thorsten Buch, Christian Kurts, Mathias Heikenwalder, Gerd Fätkenheuer, Philipp A Lang, Pia Hartmann, Percy A Knolle, Joachim L Schultze
Molecular Mechanism Underlying the Action of Glycoproteins on Mouse Sperm.
Frontiers in cell and developmental biology
Melanie Balbach, Hussein Hamzeh, Jan F Jikeli, Christoph Brenker, Christian Schiffer, Jan N Hansen, Pia Neugebauer, Christian Trötschel, Luca Jovine, Ling Han, Harvey M Florman, U Benjamin Kaupp, Timo Strünker, Dagmar Wachten
Molecular, clinicopathological, and immune correlates of LAG3 promoter DNA methylation in melanoma.
Anne Fröhlich, Judith Sirokay, Simon Fietz, Timo J Vogt, Jörn Dietrich, Romina Zarbl, Mike Florin, Pia Kuster, Gonzalo Saavedra, Susana Ramírez Valladolid, Friederike Hoffmann, Lukas Flatz, Sandra S Ring, Carsten Golletz, Torsten Pietsch, Sebastian Strieth, Peter Brossart, Gerrit H Gielen, Glen Kristiansen, Friedrich Bootz, Jennifer Landsberg, Dimo Dietrich
PRediction of acute coronary syndrome in acute ischemic StrokE (PRAISE) - protocol of a prospective, multicenter trial with central reading and predefined endpoints.
BMC neurology
Christian H Nolte, Regina von Rennenberg, Simon Litmeier, Jan F Scheitz, David M Leistner, Stephan Blankenberg, Martin Dichgans, Hugo Katus, Gabor C Petzold, Burkert Pieske, Vera Regitz-Zagrosek, Karl Wegscheider, Andreas M Zeiher, Ulf Landmesser, Matthias Endres
The psychological burden of a two-stage exchange of infected total hip and knee arthroplasties.
Journal of health psychology
Eva Lueck, Thomas E Schlaepfer, Frank A Schildberg, Thomas M Randau, Gunnar Tr Hischebeth, Max Jaenisch, Robert Ossendorff, Dieter C Wirtz, Matthias D Wimmer