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  • Increased innate immune responses in adolescents with obesity and its relation to subclinical cardiovascular measures: An exploratory study.


    Authors: Siroon Bekkering, Christoph Saner, Boris Novakovic, Toby Mansell, Danielle K Longmore, Zoe McCallum, Anne-Louise Ponsonby, Markus Juonala, Mihai G Netea, Matthew A Sabin, Richard Saffery, Niels P Riksen, David P Burgner

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  • A laboratory-based predictive pathway for the development of high-level resistance to corallopyronin A, an inhibitor of bacterial RNA polymerase.

    Microbiology spectrum

    Authors: Jacqueline T Balthazar, Daniel Golparian, Magnus Unemo, Timothy D Read, Miriam Grosse, Marc Stadler, Kenneth Pfarr, Andrea Schiefer, Achim Hoerauf, Jennifer L Edwards, Dmitry G Vassylyev, William M Shafer

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  • External evaluation of a deep learning-based approach for automated brain volumetry in patients with huntington's disease.

    Scientific reports

    Authors: Robert Haase, Nils Christian Lehnen, Frederic Carsten Schmeel, Katerina Deike, Theodor Rüber, Alexander Radbruch, Daniel Paech

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  • GestaltMML: Enhancing Rare Genetic Disease Diagnosis through Multimodal Machine Learning Combining Facial Images and Clinical Texts.


    Authors: Da Wu, Jingye Yang, Cong Liu, Tzung-Chien Hsieh, Elaine Marchi, Justin Blair, Peter Krawitz, Chunhua Weng, Wendy Chung, Gholson J Lyon, Ian D Krantz, Jennifer M Kalish, Kai Wang

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  • Uncombable hair syndrome: Burdensome or captivating?

    Clinical and experimental dermatology

    Authors: Ariane Heyers, F Buket Basmanav, Regina C Betz

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  • Human brain clearance imaging: Pathways taken by magnetic resonance imaging contrast agents after administration in cerebrospinal fluid and blood.

    NMR in biomedicine

    Authors: Matthias J P van Osch, Anders Wåhlin, Paul Scheyhing, Ingrid Mossige, Lydiane Hirschler, Anders Eklund, Klara Mogensen, Ryszard Gomolka, Alexander Radbruch, Sara Qvarlander, Andreas Decker, Maiken Nedergaard, Yuki Mori, Per Kristian Eide, Katerina Deike, Geir Ringstad

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  • Genetic associations of cardiovascular risk genes in European patients with coronary artery spasm.

    Clinical research in cardiology : official journal of the German Cardiac Society

    Authors: Roman Tremmel, Valeria Martínez Pereyra, Incifer Broders, Elke Schaeffeler, Per Hoffmann, Markus M Nöthen, Raffi Bekeredjian, Udo Sechtem, Matthias Schwab, Peter Ong

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  • Emicizumab is well tolerated and effective in people with congenital hemophilia A regardless of age, severity of disease, or inhibitor status: a scoping review.

    Research and practice in thrombosis and haemostasis

    Authors: Guy Young, Steven W Pipe, Gili Kenet, Johannes Oldenburg, Mariam Safavi, Tuende Czirok, Francis Nissen, Johnny Mahlangu

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  • Early postnatal high-dose fat-soluble enteral vitamin A supplementation for moderate or severe bronchopulmonary dysplasia or death in extremely low birthweight infants (NeoVitaA): a multicentre, randomised, parallel-group, double-blind, …

    The Lancet. Respiratory medicine

    Authors: Sascha Meyer, Johannes Bay, Axel R Franz, Harald Erhardt, Lars Klein, Jutta Petzinger, Christoph Binder, Susanne Kirschenhofer, Anja Stein, Britta Hüning, Axel Heep, Eva Cloppenburg, Julia Muyimbwa, Torsten Ott, Julia Sandkötter, Norbert Teig, Susanne Wiegand, Michael Schroth, Andrea Kick, Donald Wurm, Corinna Gebauer, Knud Linnemann, Jochen Kittel, Christian Wieg, Ursula Kiechl-Kohlendorfer, Susanne Schmidt, Ralf Böttger, Wolfgang Thomas, Francisco Brevis Nunez, Antje Stockmann, Thomas Kriebel, Andreas Müller, Daniel Klotz, Patrick Morhart, Donatus Nohr, Hans Konrad Biesalski, Eleni Z Giannopoulou, Susanne Hilt, Martin Poryo, Stefan Wagenpfeil, Nadja Haiden, Christian Ruckes, Anne Ehrlich, Ludwig Gortner

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  • Schizophrenia polygenic risk scores, clinical variables and genetic pathways as predictors of phenotypic traits of bipolar I disorder.

    Journal of affective disorders

    Authors: Maria Grigoroiu-Serbanescu, Tracey van der Veen, Tim Bigdeli, Stefan Herms, Carmen C Diaconu, Ana Iulia Neagu, Nicholas Bass, Johan Thygesen, Andreas J Forstner, Markus M Nöthen, Andrew McQuillin

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