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  • Right ventricular assessment in patients undergoing transcatheter or surgical aortic valve replacement.

    Catheterization and cardiovascular interventions : official journal of the Society for Cardiac Angiography & Interventions

    Authors: Robert Schueler, Can Öztürk, Jasmin Viktoria Laser, Fabian Wirth, Nikos Werner, Armin Welz, Georg Nickenig, Jan-Malte Sinning, Christoph Hammerstingl

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  • Outcomes of myocardial fibrosis in patients undergoing transcatheter aortic valve replacement.

    EuroIntervention : journal of EuroPCR in collaboration with the Working Group on Interventional Cardiology of the European Society of Cardiology

    Authors: Atsushi Sugiura, Marcel Weber, Anne von Depka, Noriaki Tabata, Jasmin Shamekhi, Baravan Al-Kassou, Georg Nickenig, Nikos Werner, Jan-Malte Sinning, Alexander Sedaghat

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  • Recurrent mucocutaneous infections caused by PVL-positive Staphylococcus aureus strains: a challenge in clinical practice.

    Journal der Deutschen Dermatologischen Gesellschaft = Journal of the German Society of Dermatology : JDDG

    Authors: Galina Balakirski, Gunnar Hischebeth, Julia Altengarten, Daniel Exner, Thomas Bieber, Jonas Dohmen, Steffen Engelhart

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  • CD163 expression defines specific, IRF8-dependent, immune-modulatory macrophages in the bone marrow.

    The Journal of allergy and clinical immunology

    Authors: Lena Fischer-Riepe, Niklas Daber, Jonas Schulte-Schrepping, Bruna Caroline Véras De Carvalho, Antonella Russo, Michele Pohlen, Josephine Fischer, Achmet Imam Chasan, Marc Wolf, Thomas Ulas, Shirin Glander, Christian Schulz, Boris Skryabin, Andreas Wollbrink Dipl-Ing, Nadine Steingraeber, Christopher Stremmel, Megan Koehle, Florian Gärtner, Sabine Vettorazzi, Dirk Holzinger, Joachim Gross, Frank Rosenbauer, Monika Stoll, Silke Niemann, Jan Tuckermann, Joachim L Schultze, Johannes Roth, Katarzyna Barczyk-Kahlert

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  • TAVR outcome after reclassification of aortic valve stenosis by using a hybrid continuity equation that combines computed tomography and echocardiography data.

    Catheterization and cardiovascular interventions : official journal of the Society for Cardiac Angiography & Interventions

    Authors: Marcel Weber, Max Jaenisch, Marie Spilker, Simon Pingel, Robert Schueler, Anja Stundl, Alexander Sedaghat, Christoph Hammerstingl, Fritz Mellert, Eberhard Grube, Georg Nickenig, Nikos Werner, Jan-Malte Sinning

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  • Ca-Daptomycin targets cell wall biosynthesis by forming a tripartite complex with undecaprenyl-coupled intermediates and membrane lipids.

    Nature communications

    Authors: Fabian Grein, Anna Müller, Katharina M Scherer, Xinliang Liu, Kevin C Ludwig, Anna Klöckner, Manuel Strach, Hans-Georg Sahl, Ulrich Kubitscheck, Tanja Schneider

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  • Endovascular management of femoral access-site and access-related vascular complications following percutaneous coronary interventions (PCI).

    PloS one

    Authors: Nadjib Schahab, Refik Kavsur, Thorsten Mahn, Christian Schaefer, Alexander Kania, Rolf Fimmers, Georg Nickenig, Sebastian Zimmer

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  • Implications of asymptomatic infection for the natural history of selected parasitic tropical diseases.

    Seminars in immunopathology

    Authors: Jorge Alvar, Fabiana Alves, Bruno Bucheton, Louise Burrows, Philippe Büscher, Eugenia Carrillo, Ingrid Felger, Marc P Hübner, Javier Moreno, Maria-Jesus Pinazo, Isabela Ribeiro, Sergio Sosa-Estani, Sabine Specht, Antoine Tarral, Nathalie Strub Wourgaft, Graeme Bilbe

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  • T cells in Alzheimer's disease: space invaders.

    The Lancet. Neurology

    Authors: Róisín M McManus, Michael T Heneka

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  • β-Amyloid Clustering around ASC Fibrils Boosts Its Toxicity in Microglia.

    Cell reports

    Authors: Lea L Friker, Hannah Scheiblich, Inga V Hochheiser, Rebecca Brinkschulte, Dietmar Riedel, Eicke Latz, Matthias Geyer, Michael T Heneka

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