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  • The role of Toll-like receptor 10 in modulation of trained immunity.


    Authors: Vera P Mourits, Rob J W Arts, Boris Novakovic, Vasiliki Matzaraki, L Charlotte J de Bree, Valerie A C M Koeken, Simone J C F M Moorlag, Jelmer H van Puffelen, Laszlo Groh, Charlotte D C C van der Heijden, Sam T Keating, Mihai G Netea, Marije Oosting, Leo A B Joosten

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  • Modeling population heterogeneity from microbial communities to immune response in cells.

    Cellular and molecular life sciences : CMLS

    Authors: Tal Pecht, Anna C Aschenbrenner, Thomas Ulas, Antonella Succurro

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  • Predictive power of the ADHD GWAS 2019 polygenic risk scores in independent samples of bipolar patients with childhood ADHD.

    Journal of affective disorders

    Authors: Maria Grigoroiu-Serbanescu, Giovanni Giaroli, Johan H Thygesen, Oris Shenyan, Tim B Bigdeli, Nicholas J Bass, Carmen C Diaconu, Ana Iulia Neagu, Andreas J Forstner, Franziska Degenhardt, Stefan Herms, Markus M Nöthen, Andrew McQuillin

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  • Vaccination with (1-11)E2 in alum efficiently induces an antibody response to β-amyloid without affecting brain β-amyloid load and microglia activation in 3xTg mice.

    Aging clinical and experimental research

    Authors: Francesca Mantile, Angelo Capasso, Nadia Villacampa, Maria Donnini, Giovanna L Liguori, Gabriela Constantin, Piergiuseppe De Berardinis, Michael T Heneka, Antonella Prisco

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  • Association Between Dietary Patterns and Kidney Function in Patients With Chronic Kidney Disease: A Cross-Sectional Analysis of the German Chronic Kidney Disease Study.

    Journal of renal nutrition : the official journal of the Council on Renal Nutrition of the National Kidney Foundation

    Authors: Judith Heindel, Seema Baid-Agrawal, Casey M Rebholz, Jennifer Nadal, Matthias Schmid, Elke Schaeffner, Markus P Schneider, Heike Meiselbach, Nadine Kaesler, Manuela Bergmann, Sabine Ernst, Vera Krane, Kai-Uwe Eckardt, Jürgen Floege, Georg Schlieper, Turgay Saritas

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  • The Plasma Factor XIII Heterotetrameric Complex Structure: Unexpected Unequal Pairing within a Symmetric Complex.


    Authors: Sneha Singh, Alexis Nazabal, Senthilvelrajan Kaniyappan, Jean-Luc Pellequer, Alisa S Wolberg, Diana Imhof, Johannes Oldenburg, Arijit Biswas

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  • When past becomes prologue: extremely late mechanical complication after implantation of an atrial septal occluder device.

    European heart journal

    Authors: Christian Frédéric Zachoval, Jan Wilko Schrickel, Fritz Mellert, Aylin Yueruektuemen, Julian Luetkens, Georg Nickenig, Alexander Sedaghat

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  • Shared Genetic Etiology of Obesity-Related Traits and Barrett's Esophagus/Adenocarcinoma: Insights from Genome-Wide Association Studies.

    Cancer epidemiology, biomarkers & prevention : a publication of the American Association for Cancer Research, cosponsored by the American Society of Preventive Oncology

    Authors: Anne C Böhmer, Julian Hecker, Julia Schröder, Puya Gharahkhani, Andrea May, Christian Gerges, Mario Anders, Jessica Becker, Timo Hess, Nicole Kreuser, René Thieme, Tania Noder, Marino Venerito, Lothar Veits, Thomas Schmidt, Claudia Fuchs, Jakob R Izbicki, Arnulf H Hölscher, Arne Dietrich, Yusef Moulla, Orestis Lyros, Hauke Lang, Dietmar Lorenz, Brigitte Schumacher, Rupert Mayershofer, Yogesh Vashist, Katja Ott, Michael Vieth, Josef Weismüller, Susanne Moebus, Michael Knapp, Horst Neuhaus, Thomas Rösch, Christian Ell, Markus M Nöthen, David C Whiteman, Ian Tomlinson, Janusz Jankowski, Rebecca C Fitzgerald, Claire Palles, Thomas L Vaughan, Ines Gockel, Aaron P Thrift, Heide Fier, Johannes Schumacher

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  • Molecular and immune correlates of TIM-3 (HAVCR2) and galectin 9 (LGALS9) mRNA expression and DNA methylation in melanoma.

    Clinical epigenetics

    Authors: Tobias A W Holderried, Luka de Vos, Emma Grace Bawden, Timo J Vogt, Joern Dietrich, Romina Zarbl, Friedrich Bootz, Glen Kristiansen, Peter Brossart, Jennifer Landsberg, Dimo Dietrich

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  • Leaflet edge-to-edge treatment versus direct annuloplasty in patients with functional mitral regurgitation.

    EuroIntervention : journal of EuroPCR in collaboration with the Working Group on Interventional Cardiology of the European Society of Cardiology

    Authors: Marcel Weber, Can Öztürk, Maurizio Taramasso, Alberto Pozzoli, Roman Pfister, Monique Wösten, Hannes Alessandrini, Azeem Latib, Paolo Denti, Karl-Heinz Kuck, Francesco Maisano, Stephan Baldus, Georg Nickenig

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