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  • Biodistribution and post-therapy dosimetric analysis of [Lu]Lu-DOTA in patients with osteoblastic metastases: first results.

    EJNMMI research

    Authors: Ambreen Khawar, Elisabeth Eppard, Frank Roesch, Hojjat Ahmadzadehfar, Stefan Kürpig, Michael Meisenheimer, Florian C Gaertner, Markus Essler, Ralph A Bundschuh

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  • Splenic Red Pulp Macrophages Cross-Prime Early Effector CTL That Provide Rapid Defense against Viral Infections.

    Journal of immunology (Baltimore, Md. : 1950)

    Authors: Marika Enders, Lars Franken, Marie-Sophie Philipp, Nina Kessler, Ann-Kathrin Baumgart, Melanie Eichler, Emmanuel J H Wiertz, Natalio Garbi, Christian Kurts

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  • Impact of Historic Migrations and Evolutionary Processes on Human Immunity.

    Trends in immunology

    Authors: Jorge Domínguez-Andrés, Mihai G Netea

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  • The role of Toll-like receptor 10 in modulation of trained immunity.


    Authors: Vera P Mourits, Rob J W Arts, Boris Novakovic, Vasiliki Matzaraki, L Charlotte J de Bree, Valerie A C M Koeken, Simone J C F M Moorlag, Jelmer H van Puffelen, Laszlo Groh, Charlotte D C C van der Heijden, Sam T Keating, Mihai G Netea, Marije Oosting, Leo A B Joosten

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  • Modeling population heterogeneity from microbial communities to immune response in cells.

    Cellular and molecular life sciences : CMLS

    Authors: Tal Pecht, Anna C Aschenbrenner, Thomas Ulas, Antonella Succurro

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  • Predictive power of the ADHD GWAS 2019 polygenic risk scores in independent samples of bipolar patients with childhood ADHD.

    Journal of affective disorders

    Authors: Maria Grigoroiu-Serbanescu, Giovanni Giaroli, Johan H Thygesen, Oris Shenyan, Tim B Bigdeli, Nicholas J Bass, Carmen C Diaconu, Ana Iulia Neagu, Andreas J Forstner, Franziska Degenhardt, Stefan Herms, Markus M Nöthen, Andrew McQuillin

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  • Vaccination with (1-11)E2 in alum efficiently induces an antibody response to β-amyloid without affecting brain β-amyloid load and microglia activation in 3xTg mice.

    Aging clinical and experimental research

    Authors: Francesca Mantile, Angelo Capasso, Nadia Villacampa, Maria Donnini, Giovanna L Liguori, Gabriela Constantin, Piergiuseppe De Berardinis, Michael T Heneka, Antonella Prisco

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  • Association Between Dietary Patterns and Kidney Function in Patients With Chronic Kidney Disease: A Cross-Sectional Analysis of the German Chronic Kidney Disease Study.

    Journal of renal nutrition : the official journal of the Council on Renal Nutrition of the National Kidney Foundation

    Authors: Judith Heindel, Seema Baid-Agrawal, Casey M Rebholz, Jennifer Nadal, Matthias Schmid, Elke Schaeffner, Markus P Schneider, Heike Meiselbach, Nadine Kaesler, Manuela Bergmann, Sabine Ernst, Vera Krane, Kai-Uwe Eckardt, Jürgen Floege, Georg Schlieper, Turgay Saritas

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  • The Plasma Factor XIII Heterotetrameric Complex Structure: Unexpected Unequal Pairing within a Symmetric Complex.


    Authors: Sneha Singh, Alexis Nazabal, Senthilvelrajan Kaniyappan, Jean-Luc Pellequer, Alisa S Wolberg, Diana Imhof, Johannes Oldenburg, Arijit Biswas

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  • When past becomes prologue: extremely late mechanical complication after implantation of an atrial septal occluder device.

    European heart journal

    Authors: Christian Frédéric Zachoval, Jan Wilko Schrickel, Fritz Mellert, Aylin Yueruektuemen, Julian Luetkens, Georg Nickenig, Alexander Sedaghat

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