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  • Clinical Trials with Combination of Cytokine-Induced Killer Cells and Dendritic Cells for Cancer Therapy.

    International journal of molecular sciences

    Authors: Francesca Garofano, Maria A Gonzalez-Carmona, Dirk Skowasch, Roland Schmidt-Wolf, Alina Abramian, Stefan Hauser, Christian P Strassburg, Ingo G H Schmidt-Wolf

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  • β-Glucan-Induced Trained Immunity Protects against Leishmania braziliensis Infection: a Crucial Role for IL-32.

    Cell reports

    Authors: Jéssica Cristina Dos Santos, Ana Marina Barroso de Figueiredo, Muriel Vilela Teodoro Silva, Branko Cirovic, L Charlotte J de Bree, Michelle S M A Damen, Simone J C F M Moorlag, Rodrigo S Gomes, Monique M Helsen, Marije Oosting, Samuel T Keating, A Schlitzer, Mihai G Netea, Fátima Ribeiro-Dias, Leo A B Joosten

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  • Targeting innate immunity for tuberculosis vaccination.

    The Journal of clinical investigation

    Authors: Shabaana A Khader, Maziar Divangahi, Willem Hanekom, Philip C Hill, Markus Maeurer, Karen W Makar, Katrin D Mayer-Barber, Musa M Mhlanga, Elisa Nemes, Larry S Schlesinger, Reinout van Crevel, Raman (Krishna) Vankayalapati, Ramnik J Xavier, Mihai G Netea

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  • Prevention of Anastomotic Leakage in Ovarian Cancer Debulking Surgery and Its Impact on Overall Survival.

    Anticancer research

    Authors: Arne Koscielny, Anna Ko, Eva K Egger, Walter Kuhn, Jörg C Kalff, Mignon-Denise Keyver-Paik

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  • Immune Check Point CD40-CD40L Activates Dendritic and Effector Cells Against Human Renal Carcinoma Cells.

    Anticancer research

    Authors: Regina M Hillebrand, Annabelle Vogt, Christian P Strassburg, Maria A Gonzalez-Carmona, Ingo G H Schmidt-Wolf

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  • 46th annual congress of the "Arbeitsgemeinschaft Dermatologische Forschung" in Munich, Germany.

    Experimental dermatology

    Authors: Evelyn Gaffal, Rüdiger Eming, Mario Fabri, Christoffer Gebhardt, Georg Stary, Stefanie Eyerich, Michael Hölzel, Corinna Kosnopfel, Elsa Neubert, Denise Rauer, Elke Rodríguez, Alexander Thiem, Leonhard von Meyenn, Timo Buhl

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  • [Neuroinflammation as motor of Alzheimer's disease].

    Der Nervenarzt

    Authors: Sergio Castro-Gomez, Julius Binder, Michael T Heneka

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  • [Facial necrosis caused by orthopoxvirus : Differential diagnosis and dermatohistopathological correlation of infectious facial ulcers].

    Der Hautarzt; Zeitschrift fur Dermatologie, Venerologie, und verwandte Gebiete

    Authors: Dennis Niebel, Thorsten Hornung, Ricarda Schmithausen, Hanna Rothe, Marijo Parcina, Jörg Wenzel, Martin Exner, Thomas Bieber

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  • Human Monocyte Subsets and Phenotypes in Major Chronic Inflammatory Diseases.

    Frontiers in immunology

    Authors: Theodore S Kapellos, Lorenzo Bonaguro, Ioanna Gemünd, Nico Reusch, Adem Saglam, Emily R Hinkley, Joachim L Schultze

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  • IL-4 receptor dependent expansion of lung CD169+ macrophages in microfilaria-driven inflammation.

    PLoS neglected tropical diseases

    Authors: Frédéric Fercoq, Estelle Remion, Stefan J Frohberger, Nathaly Vallarino-Lhermitte, Achim Hoerauf, John Le Quesne, Frédéric Landmann, Marc P Hübner, Leo M Carlin, Coralie Martin

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