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  • In-gel staining methods of G4 DNA and RNA structures.

    Methods in enzymology

    Authors: Philipp Schult, Katrin Paeschke

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  • Enduring echoes: Post-infectious long-term changes in innate immunity.

    European journal of internal medicine

    Authors: Elisabeth A Dulfer, Leo A B Joosten, Mihai G Netea

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  • Pre-Interventional Risk Assessment in The Elderly (PIRATE): Development of a scoring system to predict 30-day mortality using data of the Peri-Interventional Outcome Study in the Elderly.

    PloS one

    Authors: Alina Schenk, Ana Kowark, Moritz Berger, Rolf Rossaint, Matthias Schmid, Mark Coburn

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  • Emicizumab prophylaxis in infants with hemophilia A (HAVEN 7): primary analysis of a phase 3b, open-label trial.


    Authors: Steven W Pipe, Peter W Collins, Christophe Dhalluin, Gili Kenet, Christophe Schmitt, Muriel Buri, Victor Jiménez-Yuste, Flora Peyvandi, Guy Young, Johannes Oldenburg, Maria Elisa Mancuso, Kaan Kavakli, Anna Kiialainen, Sonia Deb, Markus Niggli, Tiffany Chang, Michaela Lehle, Karin Fijnvandraat

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  • Delineation of the adult phenotype of Coffin-Siris syndrome in 35 individuals.

    Human genetics

    Authors: Ariane Schmetz, Hermann-Josef Lüdecke, Harald Surowy, Sugirtahn Sivalingam, Ange-Line Bruel, Roseline Caumes, Perrine Charles, Nicolas Chatron, Krystyna Chrzanowska, Marta Codina-Solà, Cindy Colson, Ivon Cuscó, Anne-Sophie Denommé-Pichon, Patrick Edery, Laurence Faivre, Andrew Green, Solveig Heide, Tzung-Chien Hsieh, Alexander Hustinx, Lotte Kleinendorst, Cordula Knopp, Florian Kraft, Peter M Krawitz, Amaia Lasa-Aranzasti, Gaetan Lesca, Vanesa López-González, Julien Maraval, Cyril Mignot, Teresa Neuhann, Christian Netzer, Barbara Oehl-Jaschkowitz, Florence Petit, Christophe Philippe, Renata Posmyk, Audrey Putoux, André Reis, María José Sánchez-Soler, Julia Suh, Tinatin Tkemaladze, Frédéric Tran Mau Them, André Travessa, Laura Trujillano, Irene Valenzuela, Mieke M van Haelst, Georgia Vasileiou, Catherine Vincent-Delorme, Mona Walther, Pablo Verde, Nuria C Bramswig, Dagmar Wieczorek

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  • Implementation of regulatory guidance for JAK inhibitors use in patients with immune-mediated inflammatory diseases: An international appropriateness study.

    Autoimmunity reviews

    Authors: Virginia Solitano, Paola Facheris, Magnus Petersen, Ferdinando D'Amico, Michela Ortoncelli, Daniel Aletaha, Pablo A Olivera, Thomas Bieber, Sofia Ramiro, Subrata Ghosh, Maria Antonietta D'Agostino, Britta Siegmund, Isabelle Chary-Valckenaere, Ailsa Hart, Lorenzo Dagna, Fernando Magro, Renaud Felten, Paulo Gustavo Kotze, Vipul Jairath, Antonio Costanzo, Lars Erik Kristensen, Laurent Peyrin Biroulet, Silvio Danese

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  • Impulsivity, decision-making, and risk behavior in bipolar disorder and major depression from bipolar multiplex families.

    Brain and behavior

    Authors: Almudena Ramírez-Martín, Lea Sirignano, Fabian Streit, Jerome C Foo, Andreas J Forstner, Josef Frank, Markus M Nöthen, Jana Strohmaier, Stephanie H Witt, Fermin Mayoral-Cleries, Berta Moreno-Küstner, Marcella Rietschel, Jose Guzmán-Parra

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  • Cardiac computed tomography-based assessment of mitral annular calcification in patients undergoing mitral transcatheter edge-to-edge repair.

    Journal of cardiovascular computed tomography

    Authors: Tetsu Tanaka, Atsushi Sugiura, Max Schulz, Nihal Wilde, Johanna Vogelhuber, Mitsumasa Sudo, Sebastian Zimmer, Georg Nickenig, Marcel Weber

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  • Whole blood stimulation as a tool for studying the human immune system.

    European journal of immunology

    Authors: Sophie Müller, Charlotte Kröger, Joachim L Schultze, Anna C Aschenbrenner

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  • Transcriptional profiling upon T cell stimulation reveals down-regulation of inflammatory pathways in T and B cells in SLE versus Sjögren's syndrome.

    NPJ systems biology and applications

    Authors: Gino Kwon, Annika Wiedemann, Lisa M Steinheuer, Ana-Luisa Stefanski, Franziska Szelinski, Tomas Racek, Andreas Philipp Frei, Klas Hatje, Tony Kam-Thong, David Schubert, Thomas Schindler, Thomas Dörner, Kevin Thurley

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