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  • Machine Learning Methods for Precision Dosing in Anticancer Drug Therapy: A Scoping Review.

    Clinical pharmacokinetics

    Authors: Olga Teplytska, Moritz Ernst, Luca Marie Koltermann, Diego Valderrama, Elena Trunz, Marc Vaisband, Jan Hasenauer, Holger Fröhlich, Ulrich Jaehde

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  • Biosynthesis of the corallorazines, a widespread class of antibiotic cyclic lipodipeptides.

    RSC chemical biology

    Authors: Teresa M Dreckmann, Lisa Fritz, Christian F Kaiser, Sarah M Bouhired, Daniel A Wirtz, Marvin Rausch, Anna Müller, Tanja Schneider, Gabriele M König, Max Crüsemann

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  • Prognostic value of Alzheimer's disease plasma biomarkers in the oldest-old: a prospective primary care-based study.

    The Lancet regional health. Europe

    Authors: Pamela V Martino-Adami, Madhurima Chatterjee, Luca Kleineidam, Siegfried Weyerer, Horst Bickel, Birgitt Wiese, Steffi G Riedel-Heller, Martin Scherer, Kaj Blennow, Henrik Zetterberg, Michael Wagner, Anja Schneider, Alfredo Ramirez

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  • [Gender-specific differences in the development of colorectal cancer in Lynch syndrome patients-A systematic review].

    Chirurgie (Heidelberg, Germany)

    Authors: Jonas Dohmen, Nils Sommer, Katrin van Beekum, Jacob Nattermann, Christoph Engel, Jörg C Kalff, Robert Hüneburg, Tim O Vilz

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  • RORα negatively regulates BCG-induced trained immunity.

    Cellular immunology

    Authors: Gizem Kilic, Vasiliki Matzaraki, Ozlem Bulut, Ilayda Baydemir, Anaisa V Ferreira, Katrin Rabold, Simone J C F M Moorlag, Valerie A C M Koeken, L Charlotte J de Bree, Vera P Mourits, Leo A B Joosten, Jorge Domínguez-Andrés, Mihai G Netea

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  • Cytomegalovirus inhibitors of programmed cell death restrict antigen cross-presentation in the priming of antiviral CD8 T cells.

    PLoS pathogens

    Authors: Stefan Ebert, Verena Böhm, Julia K Büttner, Wolfram Brune, Melanie M Brinkmann, Rafaela Holtappels, Matthias J Reddehase, Niels A W Lemmermann

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  • Polygenic risk scores for nicotine use and family history of smoking are associated with smoking behaviour.

    Drug and alcohol dependence

    Authors: Jerome C Foo, Maja P Völker, Fabian Streit, Josef Frank, Norman Zacharias, Lea Zillich, Lea Sirignano, Peter Nürnberg, Thomas F Wienker, Michael Wagner, Markus M Nöthen, Michael Nothnagel, Henrik Walter, Bernd Lenz, Rainer Spanagel, Falk Kiefer, Georg Winterer, Marcella Rietschel, Stephanie H Witt

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  • BCG vaccination alters the epigenetic landscape of progenitor cells in human bone marrow to influence innate immune responses.


    Authors: Sarah J Sun, Raúl Aguirre-Gamboa, L Charlotte J de Bree, Joaquin Sanz, Anne Dumaine, Walter J F M van der Velden, Leo A B Joosten, Shabaana Khader, Maziar Divangahi, Mihai G Netea, Luis B Barreiro

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  • Rasmussen's encephalitis: structural, functional, and clinical correlates of contralesional epileptiform activity.

    Journal of neurology

    Authors: Tobias Bauer, Randi D von Wrede, Suresh Pujar, Attila Rácz, Christian Hoppe, Tobias Baumgartner, Sophia Varadkar, Nina R Held, Johannes T Reiter, Selma Enders, Bastian David, Conrad C Prillwitz, Mar Brugues, Vera C W Keil, Monika Jeub, Valeri Borger, Josemir W Sander, Wolfram S Kunz, Alexander Radbruch, Bernd Weber, Christoph Helmstaedter, Hartmut Vatter, Torsten Baldeweg, Albert J Becker, J Helen Cross, Rainer Surges, Theodor Rüber

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  • Trained immunity suppression determines kidney allograft survival.

    American journal of transplantation : official journal of the American Society of Transplantation and the American Society of Transplant Surgeons

    Authors: Inge Jonkman, Maaike M E Jacobs, Yutaka Negishi, Cansu Yanginlar, Joost H A Martens, Marijke Baltissen, Michiel Vermeulen, Martijn W F van den Hoogen, Marije Baas, Johan van der Vlag, Zahi A Fayad, Abraham J P Teunissen, Joren C Madsen, Jordi Ochando, Leo A B Joosten, Mihai G Netea, Willem J M Mulder, Musa M Mhlanga, Luuk B Hilbrands, Nils Rother, Raphaël Duivenvoorden

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